The Cave filled with Determination

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   I need to climb to the top, until we are safe.

   Now how am I suppose to do that? I can't sense anything since the mana in this cave is very dense, I can only rely on my other sense to see. Breathing in the air just refills my mana pool all the way down to my viens, so I decided to do some light magic.

   It was like a row of light lite up from right to my hands, to every walls in this cave. The light source eventually floated up and now we can see the cave.

   Rela was groaning a little bit, so I covered her eyes so she wouldn't wake up.

   I decided to walk with her on my back. Being able to see was everything, but I don't really need it. I should had just left it dark now that I am realizing it.

   I don't think I can disable this type of magic since I don't even know what type of magic this even is. I just decided to ignore it and walk towards the first room inside this cave.

   It seems we weren't alone. Several monsters, with Big cockroaches and nasty tree roots that had grown rotten.

   There was even killer rabits roaming around with the likes of Scamming Bunnies. They usually get confuse with each other, since the rabits don't attack unless you have an unseeth weapon and the bunnies don't steal your stuff if you do have your weapon out.

   Deadly duo to come across unlike a minitar. The famous beast known to being the first to pick up a human weapon. The second would be goblin but they're just fashionable weak. With the whole area lite up now, I started a whole war with every monsters here.

   There were all types, but there was just a singilar monsters nobody wanted to mess with, and that is the way I will be taking.

   Slowly sneaking with Rela on my back, I noticed something approaching behind me.

   Fireing them from behind, with fire as tall to reach the roof of the cave and as wide that would need 10 people to stand side by side.

   With mana densly in the air, I am guessing that using attack magic would be deadly. With that unexpected boost in power, all the monsters was now looking at me.

   "Uh oh," Is all I said before they started to run at me, the only 2 humans inside this cave filled with monsters.

   Killing as many as I can, I spit fire out of my breath. The boost was unexpected burning everything in front of me, and even landing on my shoulder, where I kept an unconscious girl.

   Seeing her in pain really did pain me a little, so I placed her down gently, to see she was waking up. Now with my hands free, I did all I could with projectile magic I had learned. 

   Taking care of some lizard creature, it seems there are also some humanoid creatures which is harder to kill than expected.

   Seeing Rela fully up, I decided to create a wall to block from all the creatures.

   "Are you okay?" I asked while inspecting her hands.

   "Yea, where are we anyways?"

  "We are 4 floors down, we need to climb up, but I am glad your finally up. We can take on these creatures together," I said smiling.

   "Wait a moment, I just got up," she said with a yawn.

   "This wall won't stay up forever, so I'll give you a count down and I'll tear it down and we go on the attack."

   She gets her gear ready and started to stretch as I retell her the different types of creatures out there. We both wonder how are we going to deal with many of them, the giant lizard, the overgrown horse that doesn't have a back part. 

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