The Front Lines [April Fools]

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Vol 3: The Hero We Didn't Know Existed

[Readers, war is hard to write about without being too graphic, so I'll try my best to keep the maturity level low, but I'll put this warning before hand]

Grand jesters and everything, nothing prepared no man for what was witness here. Grand lines of armies none bigger than the other. Rows upon rows of men, woman and demons fighting each other.

Every step you either step in the pools of red or the lying solders. Even the demon flows a weird purple liquid that doesn't mix to any of the red on the ground.

My sword haven't been sheath in 3 days. It seems luck has been on our side, mostly because of the hardworking priest praying everyday for this amazing fortune to happen. I found myself looking at the note again.

The note that would promise my safe return to the school. The tree that we promise to meet at feels not that far. I have been fighting in this war for 2 years already.

3 more years left to go and I would be free to go. During my 2 years time in war, I had met a friend who I had been talking to for a couple of months. It felt refreshing having a buddy to vent and share the same traumas.

Since I am register as a magician, I only cast spells on the battlefield, but because of my noble upbringing I was taught in some swordsmanship, so they put me in many places on the battlefield.

Since I am one of 7 magicians, they mostly put be in the back firing any spells I know. Being the 2nd best Practical fighter at Rowa's School I know some of the biggest spells that'll warp the landscape.

I haven't use it because the demons could have a guy in their ranks to make any spells above master level to be countered. Nobody really took the chance, meaning information or the lack of is what's keeping this war from extrincing every nation in 2 years.

Of course if the humans falls, there will be no other army large enough to compete with the demons, so we have been keeping up with their ranks.

Instead of firing spells to kill, I use spells to give our side an advantage, like making it unreasonable cold to slow the things used to the extreme heat from hell.

Of course when it rains, and the spell is activated, we would get snow. Snow infuse will red liquids sprinkle on the floor. I repeated the spells never letting the front lines experience the summers heat, nor the spring breeze.

Everyone hated these conditions which gave us the advantages, while I wrap myself in so many layers I was cooking myself.

With the amount of clergy on the battlefield praying for us, there was lots of disruption with the probability of everybody.

Of course since none of the gods favored me I got none of the probability altering divinity but since I worked with someone summoned from another world, some of that luck rubbed off of me.

There is always this weird girl close by me for some reason. Her eyes looked weird which I find interesting, but nothing noteworthy for me to see. I already had a chosen one, so being with her might seem like I am cheating.

I don't talk to her at all, but her willingness to stick by me for these past few months we been fighting is starting to get annoying.

Looking at her, she does look like an average girl, not as cute as Yedna. I would be a jerk if I shoo her away, so I just let her be standing at my side.

Well I say that but I was getting sick of someone by my side everyday, I decided to confront her about it.

"Why are you near me?" I asked straightforwardly.

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