The New guy/ The Hunt

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Alchemy shouldn't be hard to learn, I decided to mix stuff myself.

After buying an abandoned alchemist house, I decided to take notes on what combines with what.

Mixing many things shouldn't be hard.

5 hours later

I underestimate alchemy. After 5 long hours, the mixture either never blow up, showed a very bright light, or just exploded on the spot. The only reason this house is still standing was that the last owner was an actual alchemist and protected his house.

Well, time to hunt for a new guy. Going out, I put an ad on the board requesting for an alchemist. While putting the ad there, someone tapped me on the shoulder. 

"You looking for an alchemist I see," he said pointing at my paper.

"Not entirely, just want to see if the thing I have in mind is possible," I replied.

"Well, if an alchemist you seek, than I got a recommendation for you," he said leading me out of the Pub.

"So who is this guy you're talking about, and is this guy younger than 24"

"This guy is younger than that, about 12. Beware he may be young, but he is impossible to work with," said the man.

"So, if this is your son, and he is an alchemist I think I got an idea, let me talk to him," I said.

Walking towards the residential district of the town, we reach a normal looking house. Going inside, I see a young boy experimenting. He has a small notebook, so it doesn't seem like he explored much.

I walked to the boy 4 years younger than me and asked, "Hey, do you want to do more experiments for me?"

"My parents say I could use the living room, so it has been working out so far, and I am too young for any jobs."

"Well, your old enough to be an adventurer, just sign up with the Pub and I can make you part of my party. You earn when we go on missions and you can do anything with that money."

"Being an adventurer sounds boring, first off I don't want to leave this city, secondly you can't offer me a bigger room to work, and thirdly I just don't trust you," said the boy.

"How about this, I give you my name and the reason I joined, than you can give me your name, but you don't have to if you don't want to," with a salient look, I took that as a yes and continued, " My name is Richam Luccard, and I joined to defeat the demon president."

"Luccard, isn't that the rumored noble's son who got banish."

"Well, technically I am not banish anymore, I completed my 1 term to undo my banishment," I replied.

"Than why are you still here."

"No need to pry into that, I already got a new place for you to work at and you can experiments to your heart contents, you just need to join my party," I said.

"Listen to him, he may change the balance of the war if you create the right tools for him. My brother had already died 5 years into this war, and I am tired of watching more family go into this war," said the old man grabbing the boy by the ear.

"Alright, I will accept and will join his party. We need to make a contract first before I join. I don't want to get scammed from this," said the boy getting out of an ear lock

After hours of writing the contract, we went to the Pub and signed him up to be an adventurer. Taking him to the house I bought for alchemy, the kid looked excited. With my vision almost fully back, I can see his face clearly enough to see a fake smile.

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