The Fallen One

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   Rushing the carriage we fought with the solders who had fallen. It was until it became night, all fighting stopped for some reason.

   Only I was confuse since I was prepared to fight all night. I guess I must had missed on some sort of truce, but I guess everyone can sleep at night.

   During night time, we all set up our camp. We set ours up behind everyone so we can be protected by the army if there was any sudden attack.

   It was all silent, but something was going on, the demons where planning something. They were breaking the treaty of never attack during the night, or it may have seem that way if there was any humans awake.

   Of course demons where sneaking around the camp quietly searching for something, or someone?

   I sense them, but they weren't being violent so I kept my guard up with fake slept. I didn't know what to expect of demons in the night.

   It seems they stayed for a little bit but left. There was one demon who entered my camp, but I ignored him. It was until it started to get closer to my bed, and before I could react tied me to a bind and started to take me away.

   "What the!" is all I shouted before they covered my mouth. Hearing Rela and Garcia get up, they couldn't alert the guards enough to protect me, nor were they prepared to fight a demon without any weapons. 

   The restraints they have, it was one absorbing any mana if I tried to use magic. I couldn't use my hands but I did have my head. 

   They restrain my neck movement after I tried to headbutt them, and now I am stick staring at the awkward looking sky. So many clouds but not enough to block the stars. The clouds did look cool with the stars in the back.

   I couldn't really tell if we were in the air or flying but I do know we are far behind enemy lines.

   My senses could only pick up the body of the demon, which was weirdly humanoid with a few horns. 

   Of course there was some slight alterations but they're shape is humans, which pissed me off. I mean how can it be equivalent to humans, and why do they try to mimic our forms, are they mocking us?

   The native tongue of the demons are unknown to me, but I can decipher it if I listen to it for long enough. I just need to know key phrases and I should be able to guess their sentences.

   3 maybe 4 demons around protecting as they send me to some sort of... Base.

   That is all I can gather. My listening skills are top notch as I am always listening to bar conversation but deciphering a different language is pretty difficult.

   My brain is feeling drowsy, maybe because I haven't slept in a while, or these demons are doing something to me. Either way I was put to sleep.


   Waking up I soon found myself held captive in a prison. I sense nobody else, so it is just a prison keeping me inside. It wasn't a large prison so I guess it's a jail.

   With 2 other cells to the left and right of me, I am in the exact middle. Not knowing exactly I am I can not just escape without thinking.

   I am far from any priest or followers of any gods so I don't have this "Divine probability alternation" thing people were talking about.

   Well it doesn't look like that much time has pass, judging by the night sky, and since I for some reason I can't summon magi-

   Wait, I didn't even try.

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