Tests and More

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   THE TRANSPORTATION TEAM ENTERED the room and began wheeling a sleeping Zyanya out of the room.

"We'll meet back up with you guys in like three hours." Vegas promised both her cousin and Rebekah.

Vegas and Val watch them disappear down the hall.

Vegas looks at Valentina and throws the keys, "I'm not driving."

"Fine, but hurry up. I don't want to be in traffic for hours with a crying baby."

"I'll just put a silence spell on her or something." Vegas offered.

"But we need to hear her cry right?"

Vegas shrugs, "I guess but you can check on her every once in a while."

Valentina contemplated, "Okay, let's go."

Vegas and Valentina made their way down to the lobby then to the car. Fifteen minutes later, Vegas pulled into the estate.

"Hurry," Valentina said, scanning her surroundings as she stepped out of the car, "I could be jumped by the elders any second."

Vegas side eyed her, she doubted that, "They're all super old. I don't think they jump you."

Val rolled her eyes, "They would totally jump me using their magic."

That would be something the elders do.

"Just go vamp inside," she told her cousin, "I'll be fine, it's only ten feet to the door."

At least that's what she hoped, but she wasn't a vampire and knew she had a better chance of not being 'jumped' by the elders.

"See you inside."

A second later she was gone. Vegas was grateful Val left the door open for her.

A twig snapping in the distance made her jump, "Fuck this." she ran for the door not sparing a glance behind her.

She'd made it into the house and slammed the door behind her, earning her crazed looks from her cousin and aunt.

"What happened?" Andrea stood from the couch, frantically making her way over to Vegas.

"Nothing. I don't think," she breathed out, feeling her heart pound against her chest hard. "I just heard something, I think."

"Sure you're not just imagining things." Val teased.

"Fuck you, let's get the things and go."

Thirty minutes later, the helicopter landed on the roof of the hospital. Havana was concerned about her niece's stats dropping, so once the helicopter door flew open she immediately barked orders. A team of doctors were there waiting for them and rushed the girl inside.

Every so often, she'd look over her shoulder to see if Rebekah was still following them. Havana could tell Rebekah was panicked but she didn't have time to worry about the blonde, so she'd just have to clue her in later. They soon reached the NICU, "I'll be out soon with an update." she yelled over her shoulder before the doors slid shut behind her leaving Rebekah out in the hall by herself.

Rebekah could fell the panic start to rise within her, and her body started to go cold.

She needed a distraction, so she pulled out her phone and dialed Valentina.

She picked up on the second ring, "Hello."

"Hi, have you made it back to Hope?"

"Yeah, we left the coven about thirty minutes ago."

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