•Chapter 9• Wrap up

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This is going to be the last chapter yall!! I feel like this story barely had any good plot. Thank you all for staying and reading!! I love you guys all I wish I could've made more but I didn't like this story at some point so I do recommend reading my new one <3, but here is your guys proper ending!!

You look up at him as your eyes widen, the shock in your eyes must've made him chuckle as he pinned you to the wall with your hands above your head as he held you wrist "why..whyd you have to figure out smart mouth?" He smirked looking down at you shivers going down your spine. Him? The prowler..you just put 2 clues together, it wasn't hard really to figure out. "This why I don't get along with people, people like you figure out quickly" he muttered as you look up at him your breath pacing quickly "why..why do you do it?" You ask as you take a deep breath "my mom, I don't hurt people y/n only the ones who deserve it" he sighed as he looked away from you thinking about it knowing he's a criminal, but he truly isn't correct? "Miles..this isn't the way to do it, I get your not a criminal but, this makes you look bad" you respond. He just scoffs as he let's go your wrist walking towards your window and getting out of it "no one will no..unless someone tells them" he replies looking at you before closing your window and leaving. You watch him leave, slowly feeling drained and confused of all this, you feel emotions come out and you jump onto your bed looking up at your fan. Your blood pressure rising as you didn't know what to do, what did he mean..

You finally buildup the courage to get up and go talk to him, you put your shoes on and head to his apartment you knock a couple times for him to finally answer. He looks down a you and tikts his head "hm?" Waiting for a response "miles..what's going to happen..to us? And..are you a criminal?" You ask as you look up at him, he grabs your hand as he leads you to his room setting you down on his bed as he sits down on his chair. "I'm not a villian..that's just how the internet portraits me" he sighs leaning back on the chair not sue how to explain this "us? I don't know if you'd like to stay either a so called villan" he looks away from you not making eye contact "Miles I'm not sure being the prowler is a great idea what happens if someone finds out! You can get in tons of trouble" you exclaim pleading for him to see your point of view "if I knew being the prowler would be a bad idea I would've already quit, but I save the city it might not seem like it people think of me as a big scary dude" he rolls his eyes not feeling like arguing with tou at the moment. You sigh knowing you wouldn't be able to help him, feeling your eyes swell up in tears you never felt this rush of emotions as you quickly hug him crashing both of you on the floor as your on top of him, holding him tightly. "Please miles just don't get hurt!!" You plead tears streaming down.

He hugged you tightly from your back his hands firm grip as he sighs and kisses your forehead "don't worry I will be fine.." He responded really he was unsure if he'd ever get caught but he knew he couldn't be honest with you as he truly did not know. You guys lay there for a while as you cried not knowing if you'd ever lose this guy, I'm such little time he became really amazing and sweet he was truly the man of your dreams. He was so important to you, so there comes a end to this story, you two got closer through the years,months, you've helped his mom as much as you could aswell as your dad everything was going great..so you thought..

JKK, here's a ending let your imagination go wild on how yu wanted to go but I frl recommend my new prowler x reader yall cause is finna be wayyy better then this one. Anyway thank you all my loves I love you all for reading this I hope you enjoyed it!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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