🐍 05 | Good vs Bad

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"Hermione, I swear something is going on between Professor Lupin and Professor Y/L/N! Why didn't he tell us about her? She may help us with the Order. Do you think that's why Dumbledore recruited her?" Harry speaks hastily in the corridor to the bushy brown haired girl who met up with Harry and Ron after her own class. 

Hermione purses her lips with knitted brows. "Don't get ahead of yourself Harry. Rumor has it she's also close to Professor Snape."

"Professor Snape? I can't imagine such a beauty like her would even talk to a cruel heartless man like Snape." Ron snickers under his breath. Hermione narrows her eyes on Ron before lightly slapping the boy on the back of the head. "W-What?! Am I not allowed to call a woman beautiful? It's not like I'll run off and be with her Hermione. You know my love is to you."

Hermione's cheeks flush as she clears her throat and returns her focus on Harry. The three enter through the portrait hole after Harry tells the Fat Lady the password. "A-Anyway. Professor Y/L/N's arrival is peculiar. There's no doubt Professor Dumbledore invited her to Hogwarts for a reason. But I doubt we will ever find out. Not unless we peep our noses where they shouldn't be." 

The girl glares her brown eyes towards Harry's bright green almond ones. "Do you understand Harry? Do not meddle in adult affairs." Hermione speaks sternly, her eyes never leaving Harry's face. She waits for Harry's nod or verbal answer before returning to the girls dormitories. 

But all Harry can possibly think about is learning about Professor Y/L/N and her relationship to Professor Lupin and Snape. She must be a classmate of theirs when they had attended Hogwarts. Would she be able to share stories about his parents? Maybe she's able to unravel memories of his mother and father that he has yet to know about. Where was she during the fall of Voldemort?

Having a new perspective from someone else other than the people around him may help Harry against Voldemort. If Y/L/N was personally recruited by Dumbledore, it must mean she's someone to trust. Harry can possibly confide in her with problems he's too afraid to mention to the ones close to him. She's an outsider with little knowledge about Harry personally. 


Hermione's stern voice pulls Harry out of his racing thoughts. The boy nervously swallows the saliva that forms in his mouth and blinks. "Yeah, sure." Harry answers half-heartedly. Hermione only sighs in response before darting her eyes over to Ron who purses his lips and cowers beside Harry. She glares at the two before shaking her head and taking her leave.

The two watch Hermione depart before Ron speaks up. "What's on your mind, mate?" 

Harry looks over to Ron with a rise in his chest and a smile. "You believe me right, Ron? There's something going on between Remus and Y/N. I'm betting she can help us find more information on Voldemort. Possibly gaining another ally to fight for our cause." 

"Well of course something is going on between those two! They're much too touchy to be strangers who just met each other last night at the welcome ceremony. But...where has she been these past few years? Not a word of her name has ever been mentioned by Professor Lupin or even Sirius."

"Maybe I should try to get in contact with Sirius..." Harry mutters under his breath. Ron makes a look of disapproval. Noticing this, Harry scratches the back of his neck. "Or maybe we should just go ask Professor Lupin himself?" 

Ron nods to that idea, a lazy smile on his face. "First thing tomorrow morning?"

"First thing." Harry says with a wide smile. The two boys hurry on up to the boys dormitories, forgetting about their homework. 

 ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ 

You're quick on your feet when you watch the last student leave your classroom. Your heels echo loudly against the staircase as you transcend from the Astronomy tower. Your robe flies behind you as you walk with purpose with a singular person in mind. The students are a blur as you're careful to not bump into them as you swerve through the flow of varying house students. Your serious expression softens here and there when you make eye contact with a few first years.

𝖚𝖓𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝖛𝖔𝖜 | Severus Snape x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now