🐍 32 | The Beginning of War

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Two echoing footsteps ascend the spiraling staircase to the Astronomy Tower. Neither one uttering a single word as their legs feel like lead. But they must force themselves onward. Students who are stuck at Hogwarts are located in safe areas guarded by a few professors underground. The Order is split to protect the castle, Harry, and the others are hiding in the Room of Hidden Things. The plan is going smoothly thus far. 


"If you are to tell me you wish to turn back, it is too late Draco." 

"No. It's just--" 

Severus hears Draco stop in his steps. The man slowly turns around to look at Draco as he slows his pace. The two are halfway up the Astronomy Tower. Darkness clouds the staircase with very few flickering torches that line the walls. Draco bites down on his bottom lip, the boys eyes darting at his tight fists. "This is cruel." Draco weakly croaks out.

"It is." Severus mutters out. "But we must proceed Draco. If you wish to converse with Dumbledore before I carry out our burdens, you are free to. Let's not make the Headmaster wait." Severus turns back around to look forward. Draco forces himself to move forward. The pitter patter of their shoes against the staircase echoes loudly. 

Slowly does the moonlight cast upon the two as they reach the Astronomy Tower. There stands Dumbledore with his back against the two. The wise man looks out at the star filled night sky. The image before them looks like a serene painting. 

"I wish I had taken a look at the stars more often than I did." Dumbledore speaks up when he's aware of Severus and Draco's presence. "I now understand why Professor Y/L/N is smitten by it. The view is absolutely beautiful and calming." Dumbledore turns around to smile at his guests. Not in the least bit nervous of what is to come for him. 

Dumbledore's blue eyes shift from Severus to Draco. "What an honor for me to spend my evening with you two." 

Draco clenches his teeth, his eyes darting to the ground as his eyes are already brimming with tears. But the boy tries his best to hold them back. "Draco, my boy, you have been brave given the circumstances you had to face. I only wish for us to not be put in a situation like this. I apologize for not giving you as much attention as I have for Harry. I do hope you understand." 

Draco flutters his tears away, forcing himself to look at Dumbledore directly. "I do, professor. A-And it's all fine. Because of you, I was honored to meet Professor Y/L/N." 

Dumbledore smiles, his eyes twinkling. "I heard you have taken quite a liking to her. I am pleased she is able to be there for you. I'm sure Severus thinks the same?" Dumbledore looks over to the man who's aided him up to this point. Severus lowers his head in a bow of respect to  Dumbledore. 

"Words are not enough for everything you have done for me, sir."

"Likewise Severus. I pray the future you have after today is peaceful. You've worked endlessly. Enjoy your life and be selfish for once." Dumbledore's eyes soften when the two look at one another. Dumbledore's attention then flicks between Severus and Draco. "Save the wizarding world. Our future wizards and witches deserve to learn of the knowledge we hold. They shouldn't be forced to follow along a man with such dastardly values." 

Dumbledore exhales and clasps his hands together in front of him. "I believe now is the time Severus, Draco." 

Draco silently sniffles as he looks over to Severus who stands beside him. Severus grips tightly onto his wand, twisting it between his fingertips. Severus locks his jaw, swallowing the saliva that forms in his throat. A deathly loud silence fills the empty conversation. The winter bites when a gust of wind flutters through everyone's hair and robes. "Do you have any last words Draco?" Severus speaks to the boy beside him. 

𝖚𝖓𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝖛𝖔𝖜 | Severus Snape x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now