🐍 11 | Feelings Erased

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"The boy must kill Dumbledore and find a way for us to enter Hogwarts undetected. Do you think he's capable of such a task Severus?" A low dragged out voice speaks into the chilling air. Severus keeps his eyes out towards the dark sky. Thousands of bright stars twinkle and mock him as his life is nothing but dark and dreary. Voldemort slowly looks over to Severus through his slit eyes. 

Severus and Voldemort speak in private on a balcony in the Malfoy Manor. It's been a month in during the summer holiday and Severus has already witness a poor boy being marked as a Death Eater. The boy being Draco Malfoy. His shoulders weigh heavily on carrying the responsibilities his father failed to do. Lucius, a good friend of Severus, is currently locked up in Azkaban until they manage to help him escape. 

"Do you want my honesty, sir. Or do you wish to hear what you want to hear." Severus speaks in a hollow tone. His black eyes slowly shift from the stars over to the reptile skin looking wizard who stands to his left. The full moon shines brightly on Voldemort as Severus remains in the shadows. 

"Your honesty Severus. We hardly have the time for hopes and dreams." Voldemort bitterly spits out. If he were to have eyebrows, Severus is sure they would be furrowed. 

Severus remains silent for a moment, staring at Voldemort. Several thoughts he wish to have on this man but Severus refrains from thinking on it incase Voldemort wishes to tap into his mind. "The boy will need help. He's not strong enough to carry out such an important role himself." 

"And do you suggest that you'll keep an eye on him?"

"Yes, if you allow it." Severus says this but truthfully, he's already made an unbreakable vow with Draco's mother, Narcissa. He's promised to watch over Draco and if he failed to protect her one and only son, Severus's punishment is death. Voldemort slowly nods his head with a creeping smile. 

The pale man looks back at the moon with a loud cackle. "Of course I will Severus. Aid the boy as closely as you can. But when time comes, he is the one to kill Dumbledore. Do not baby him the entire way. I must test his loyalty as a Death Eater." Severus bows his head curtly before staring back out at the night sky. 

"I must inform you with something else, sir." 


Severus's lips twitch. He clenches and unclenches his palms by his side underneath his long robe sleeves. "Dumbledore has been making moves to recruit his own allies."

"We already know this Severus. He has the Order. Or is their something else that you found out?" Voldemort glances at Severus from the corner of his eye. Severus doesn't meet the man's gaze. The stars brightness is all Severus can focus on again. He feels a twist in his stomach and his chest ablaze. 

"This one particular person Dumbledore wishes to recruit. She may ruin our plans."

Voldemort turns to face Severus again, his hands clasping together. "And you are positive this one singular witch is able to steer our plan that we've formed as a unit this summer? Who even is she? And why have you not mentioned such a persuading witch? We should so easily capture her before Dumbledore can sway her mind." 

Severus's blank face shifts slightly as his brows knit together. His eyes downcast to the garden below him. For years Severus turned a blind eye on Y/N Y/L/N. Last he heard of the woman was that she left the country right after their final day at Hogwarts. Severus remembers their argument well in his mind. Several cruel words thrown at one another, the look of agony in her wavering eyes, the tears that litter her flushed cheeks. 

Y/N fought tooth and nail to steer Severus's mind to reality. Which he stubbornly remained delusional despite all the facts. Somewhere along the line Severus hated Y/N for being right. He fed off that hatred and no longer saw Y/N as the kind person she is. Over and over in his mind did Severus convince himself that Y/N had left him. She abandoned him. She couldn't handle the fact his heart belonged to Lily Evans despite him knowing full well how much Y/N was in love with him. And that Y/N may only have fought as hard as she could because she loved Severus and wished he would feel the same for her.

𝖚𝖓𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝖛𝖔𝖜 | Severus Snape x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now