Crossed Paths

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Langley, Virginia 2023

Kate's POV:

There's something about coming back to work after vacation. Seeing the old faces welcoming me back after a deserved rest in the Caribbean. Now, it's time to go back to work.

I'm welcomed by Frank Woods, he raised me after my parents' death. Taught me everything he knows and now, I'm the best agent in the CIA

Frank: Welcome back. How was Barbados?

Kate: Hi Frank. It was nice. A bit boring, but okay.

Frank: Grab a coffee. Adler wants to see us and Mason in the meeting room.

Kate: Post-vacation briefing? Love it.

I get in the meeting room with Frank and Alex and wait for Adler to talk

I get in the meeting room with Frank and Alex and wait for Adler to talk

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Adler: Welcome back, agent Bishop.

Kate: Thanks, Adler.

He slides a folder with information about a secret Russian base called Arkangel

Adler: Our satelites captured an unknown base in Northern Russia. We believe it dates back to the Soviet Union days. We also believe they're making an infamous Bioweapon named The Red Plague. We thought it was exterminated back in 'Nam. We were wrong. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is infiltrate the base, retrieve the virus and destroy any evidence about The Red Plague. Woods and Mason will give you cover from above. Should you or any of your team members get caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.

Finally, some action...

Meanwhile, in Madagascar

Third Person POV:

Agents Knight and L/N are watching a snake fight a mongoose while looking at a  bald man with chemical burns on his arm

Alex: Looks like our guy. He's got chemical burns on his arm.

Y/N: I wonder if chemical weapons scientists are insured for things like that.

The man receives a text on his phone


Problem with Red Plague. Need you back ASAP.

The man gets up and starts moving out of the dry swimming pool where the animal fight is happening

Alex: He's on the move and he's coming straight at me.

Alex puts his hand on his earpiece

Y/N: Stop touching your ear.

Alex couldn't understand what he was saying from all the noise

Codename: Lovebird (Kate Bishop x Secret agent Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now