Reporting For Duty

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Third Person POV:

Six months after the mission in Istanbul

Bucky and Natasha's apartment, New York City

Six months later, the quiet streets of New York framed the somber atmosphere of Natasha and Bucky's home. The once lively space now held the echoes of grief, a profound silence that seemed to stretch through every room

Despite the passing months, the pain lingered, a constant reminder of a life that had been abruptly severed. Pictures of Y/N adorned the walls, capturing moments of a past that seemed simultaneously distant and painfully close

Natasha, though marked by the passage of time and the weight of loss, carried on with a quiet strength. She sat by the window, a place she often found solace, staring at the city skyline as if searching for answers in the distant lights

 She sat by the window, a place she often found solace, staring at the city skyline as if searching for answers in the distant lights

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The relationship between Natasha and Kate had taken a drastic turn since the tragic incident on the train. The mission, which had initially united them, became a source of bitter contention. Natasha, in the depths of her pain, sought answers and, in some moments, a target for her anguish

In her eyes, Kate's hesitation had cost them dearly. The words "take the shot" echoed in her mind, and the consequence was a wound that wouldn't heal. The blame, whether rational or not, became a way for Natasha to externalize the torment within her

Every glass of wine, every tear shed in solitude, carried not just the weight of Y/N's absence but also the burden of a fractured friendship. Kate was Natasha's protegé when she first joined the CIA

As the world outside carried on, Natasha remained tethered to the memories, finding solace and sorrow in equal measure in the simple act of raising a glass to a son she could no longer hold. Natasha clung to the hope that perhaps, just perhaps, Y/N had found a way to survive. It was a slender thread of possibility that kept her looking over her shoulder, waiting for the door to open and reveal a son presumed lost

As Natasha sipped her wine, Bucky stood beside her, a silent pillar of support

Bucky: We don't know for sure. I mean, he could be out there. The bo-

Natasha, her eyes tired from the constant pain of uncertainty, cuts him off

Natasha: Buck...stop. He's gone. You're in denial...I get it. But he is gone. Not like any other times when he just ran from us. No...he's...he's gone. Not like Thomas...who I know is still around.

Natasha, sharing in Bucky's grief, moves closer and wraps her arms around him. It's a silent embrace, a shared mourning for the son they both loved and lost

 It's a silent embrace, a shared mourning for the son they both loved and lost

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Codename: Lovebird (Kate Bishop x Secret agent Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now