Unwanted Alliances

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MI6 Headquarters, London

Y/N's POV:

I'm in M's office once again for mission report

He's sitting down opposite me, but I can't read him. Don't know if he's happy, angry or just disappointed

Y/N: The CIA got there first.

M: Well, at least you did your job. Destroyed the Red Plague.

Y/N: There was an agent there. A woman...I thought it would've been an easy job, M.

M: It should have been.

Y/N: The CIA girl...you should've seen her fight. What do we know about her? Raven haired, bow and arrow.

M: Not much, apparently. But there's been rumours that the CIA's top agent is a lethal assassin that uses a bow and arrow. But don't look too blue. You're MI6's finest.

Y/N: I don't think you understand. She tried to stab me with an arrow.

M: Grow a spine, L/N. Now...I have some phone calls to make. So, you're dismissed.

I leave his office and see Luke and Alex staring at me

Luke: Please tell me you've been fired.

Y/N: Why would I get fired?

Alex: Getting beat up by a girl.

Y/N: That "girl" took out almost every single guard in that base and almost stabbed me with an arrow. Also, if it were any of you two idiots, I'd be wearing a black suit and reading a script for your funeral


RAF Croughton, CIA's base in the UK

Kate's POV:

I'm in a meeting room at the Croughton base in England. Adler flew here to brief me about the agent in the Arkangel Factory

Kate: The man that destroyed the Red Plague. Who is he?

He slides a dossier to me

Adler: His name is Y/N L/N

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Adler: His name is Y/N L/N...not your typical British spy. He joined the SAS when he was just 16. On one of his various missions, he discovered he could profit a lot from the Black Market. He started stealing and selling high end art and antiquities. He proceeded methodically, teaching himself several languages. He made headlines all over Europe. But then, 4 countries created a Task Force with the sole purpose of bringing him to justice. Leading this Task Force was his mother, Natasha Romanoff and his father, James Buchanan Barnes.

I look at Adler with a surprised look

Kate: Black Widow and Winter Soldier are his parents?

Adler: Adoptive. Romanoff found him in a mission in London. Biological parents were killed in a terrorist attack. Anyway, his infamous story caught the attention of the MI6, who recognized that this man's talents would be wasted in jail. A deal was struck and ever since then, L/N has been their most successful and prolific agent.

Codename: Lovebird (Kate Bishop x Secret agent Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now