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Third Person POV:

Y/N was alive...right in front of M. And there he was, sipping scotch as if he had never left. The air in the room shifted, charged with a mix of emotions

Y/N: You didn't get the postcard? I mean, you should try it some time. Get away from it all. Really lends perspective.

M: They ran out of booze where you were?

Y/N: What was it you said? "Take the bloody shot."

M: I made a judgement call.

Y/N: You should have trusted me to finish the job.

Y/N's expression was a mixture of determination and weariness. The room held the weight of unspoken words, of actions that had repercussions. The walls seemed to echo with the past, reminding them both of the sacrifices and losses

M: It was the possibility of losing you or the certainty of losing all those other agents. I made the only decision I could and you know it.

Y/N shakes his head in disapproval

Y/N: I think you lost your nerve.

M: Well, what did you expect, a bloody apology? You know the rules of the game. You've been playing it long enough. We both have.

Y/N: Maybe too long.

M: Does your mother know about your return?

Y/N: No...I'm planning on talking to her. Just...not now 

M: Bronson didn't make it. 

Y/N: I figured. So...we're both played out. 

M: If you believe that, then why come back? 

Y/N: Good question 

M: Because we're under attack. And you know we need you 

Y/N exhales sharply 

Y/N: Well...I'm here

M: You'll have to be debriefed and declared fit for active service. You can only return to duty when you've passed the tests, so take them seriously. And a shower might be in order.

Y/N: I'll go home...

As Y/N exited the room, M was left alone, contemplating the return of an operative long believed to be lost


The next day...

A black staff car moves through the busy streets of London, heading towards the new MI6 headquarters. Y/N is in the back, looking out the window while Tanner briefs him

Tanner: The assailant hacked into the environmental control system, locked out the safety protocols and turned on the gas. After all that, they hacked into his files. They knew he'd be out of the building.

Y/N: They wanted him to see it.

The car continues underground, through a series of tunnels

Y/N: Where are we, Tanner?

Tanner: New digs.

Tanner: New digs

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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