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Third Person POV:

After saving Y/N from Dmitrios, Ethan unties him from the electric chair and puts Dmitrios on it instead

Y/N: I thought I got rid of all your CIA trackers earlier today.

Ethan: You did. Just forgot the ones in your shoes.

Y/N looks down at his shoes

Y/N: Damnit...

He then steps on the chair's pedal, electrocuting Dmitrios and waking him up

Dmitrios: AAAAAAHHH!

Y/N: Wakey wakey eggs and bakey.

Dmitrios: don't have to do things to make me talk. I'll tell you everything I know.

Ethan: Look at he cowarding his way out of this?

is he cowarding his way out of this?

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Y/N: He sure is. You're a lot tougher when you're in control of the situation, huh?

Dmitrios: Please...

Y/N: Bishop betrayed me. Why?

Dmitrios: Oh, she has been playing double agent for a long time. Ever since Mumbai...

He steps on the pedal once more, shocking the huge henchman

Dmitrios: AAAAHHH!


Y/N screamed at the top of his lungs

Dmitrios: Novak...Estate, Corsica. But we already have a bomb. Now...imagine when we detonate it in the heart of Moscow and blame it on the US.

He laughs, making Y/N lose his cool and step on the pedal again, but this time it doesn't work

Ethan: I think they have a glitch.

Y/N: I know...and I'll fix it.

Y/N starts messing with the wires connected to the chair, attempting to fix the glitch

Ethan: Why did agent Bishop go rogue?

Dmitrios: Why wouldn't she? She saw that our way is a better way. And after we detonate that bomb, the Iron Fist Sydicate will rise as a New World Order. It'll leave the island at 0800 tomorrow. Tick. Tock.

Ethan: Will you give us a minute?

He gestures to Y/N to go with him outside the torture room

Y/N: Don't go anywhere.

Dmitrios: I'll be right here.

They leave the room and turn their backs on the door

Y/N: What do you think we should do?

Codename: Lovebird (Kate Bishop x Secret agent Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now