First Impressions - Chapter 2

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Unit-02 walks into the open hanger, coming to a stand still as the cockpit opens. 

Asuka - "What the hell was that!? You need to open the hanger sooner, I almost crashed face first into it you idiots!"

Rei - "Calm yourself, Asuka-"

Asuka - "SHUT IT REI!"

Asuka jumps down from Unit-02, brushing her suit lightly as she walks over to her fellow pilots.

Asuka - "Ugh, can't these guys get anything right!? We need everyone to be firing at full cylinders to actually try and beat these stupid things!"

Shinji - "It was only a few seconds late openin-"

Asuka - "IT'S A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE! What if that were an actual mid-battle decision! UGH"

She stomps off to place her helmet down and snatch a drink out of a nearby worker's hand, leaving Shinji and Rei confused behind her.

Rei - "Hmm, she seems especially in a bad mood today."

Shinji - "Hope she doesn't scare the new guy off."

Asuka - "Aw, that's today? As if things couldn't get worse."

She folds her arms with a "Hmph", turning her head to some of the terrified workers. Asuka was an incredible pilot, no doubt, and now had a collective eight years of piloting under her belt. Her attitude was one to be feared, however. It took Shinji and Rei actual years to get her to open up to them, and even now she isn't afraid to hurl all sorts of blood-ridden curses their way. Suddenly, one of the nearby doors of the hanger swings open and Misato rushes through, quickly clocking the three of them and waving as she walks over.

Misato - "Hiya guys! New guy is due any minute- he's a looker too, try not to drool too much." 

Asuka - "As if. I still can't believe you got a new guy; we're more than good enough to protect Japan!"

Rei - "The Angels have gotten considerably stronger in the past few years, any backup would be good."

Misato - "I thought... I thought I should warn you. He was a part of Mercury."

The room falls into a tense hush. Asuka's face drops completely. She had heard about the Mercury Experiments. Being raised in Germany, it was all over the news back at home. If she didn't end up abroad training to pilot her Eva, there's a high chance she could've ended up... ugh.

Shinji - "I thought all the subjects died?"

Rei - "Not only that, but all the facilities were destroyed mysteriously. Are you sure this person is actually-"

Misato - "Positive. Europe has been holding onto him for a couple years, making him... uh, work again. I've seen some of his test results. You'd be lucky to keep up with him running, let alone any sort of combat ability."

Asuka's eye twitched at this. There's no way some random guy could keep up with her.

Asuka - "Could you stop riding his dick and be honest with yourself? Some rando isn't gonna overtake us."

Misato giggles, expecting nothing less from Asuka.

Misato - "Eh, suit yourself."

Sure enough, Gendo and Y/N walk out of the open door Misato burst through, Y/N brushing his hair out of his eyes as he looks at the pilots.

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