Fresh Faces - Chapter 22

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In a nearby aircraft carrier, a few familiar faces are approaching Japan. Kaji sighs, leaning against the railings of the ship as the wind rustles through his hair. Japan was fast approaching, they'd be there in about ten minutes and then at Tokyo-3 in thirty, that is if Misato let them go to NERV HQ. He wasn't sure if everyone was ready to see him, or if they wanted to, but this Y/N character seems to hold importance and everyone likes him, so here he was. That and he'd be incredibly useful.

Mari had mysteriously left in the middle of the night about a month ago. No one knew why, but Kaji knew; she needed to see Y/N. She loved Eva's as they were, and Y/N was the closest thing to a superhuman crossbreed between Eva and man. As soon as that first report of his Angel takedown came in, she wouldn't shut up about it. He just hoped they'd be able to find her again, and manage to drag her away from Y/N.

Despite the strange place he left his relationship with everyone, Kaji couldn't help but feel excited to see them again. Shinji and Asuka had managed to survive four years or so piloting. They were now adults. Misato was somehow the new commander, Gendo had pulled a runner, and now this Y/N guy? What exactly had he missed out on...

Y/N, Asuka, Shinji and Rei were on their way with Misato and a fair amount of NERV soldiers and personal to meet these new people Ritsuko told him about. Apparently, they were here to see him. Also apparently, not many people were happy about it. Misato was positively furious she had to interact with this Kaji guy again, Rei seemed as impassive as usual, Shinji was the only one that seemed to be happy about this. Asuka was conflicted. Y/N could read it on her face; she looked both happy yet almost uncomfortable at the principle. Did she have some history with these people? Well, apparently everyone did, but apart from Misato she was the only one that almost didn't want to go.

They were all resting the back of Misato's car. Misato herself was driving said car with reckless abandon like she'd rather crash than see these people. Shinji and Asuka had nodded off, Asuka leaning against Y/N shoulder and hugging him gently. Rei was wide awake, blankly staring forwards, which Y/N was mirroring. Occasionally, they'd hear Misato tsk or sigh loudly, tapping her fingers impatiently against the steering wheel. The silence felt deafening, so Y/N decided to break it.

Y/N - "Who exactly are we meeting?"

Rei - "Kaji and Mari."

Y/N - "I know their names, who are they?"

Misato groans as she chips in.

Misato - "A psychopath and a blundering idiot. Mari is a self-proclaimed genius; she's been helping countries outside of Japan with an Eva of her own creation. Kaji has been assisting her, acting like her guy in the chair."

Y/N - "Oh, like you?"

Misato whips her head around, growling angrily at Y/N.

Misato - "Ugh, do NOT compare me to that idiot!"

Rei smiles gently at Misato's reaction as Asuka nestles deeper into Y/N from Misato's shouting. Y/N nods, holding up his free hand defensively.

Y/N - "So what, we don't like these people?"

Rei - "We have a history with them. They have proven useful in the past, they helped us ship Asuka over when she first joined for example, but since left for all manner of reasons. Mari was a backup pilot while Asuka was in a coma following an intense battle a few years back. Kaji was working as a double agent against SEEL, NERV and the Japanese Ministry."

Y/N had heard of all three of these organisations. Obviously he worked for NERV, but SEEL and the Japanese Ministry had been long since abolished and burned to the ground two years ago or so by "outside forces"

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