Blood Sample - Chapter 35

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Y/N had been out for three days now.

Usually this wouldn't be worrying, but the fact that Y/N of all people wasn't seeming to recover was unsettling. Ritsuko had been reassuring Misato that his body was just taking all the time it needed to physically and mentally recover from his fight with Gold, but Misato knew better. He reportedly woke up under 24 hours following his destruction of Mercury. It was almost like he didn't want to wake up.

Radio lines and all communication with Shinji and Asuka had gone dead the day before. Shinji called in to say they were close to the drop-off sight on the coast but were going into difficult terrain that would interfere with signals. He also warned NERV of Asuka's behaviour, which was to be expected while still being a potential liability. They were wished the best of luck and that was that. It had been 31 hours since last communication. Plenty of time for the mission to have been completed, but also plenty of time for everything to have gone wrong.

It felt like the entirety of NERV had its breath held, waiting for the penny to drop.

Today, like the previous few, began exactly the same. Misato woke up alone in her apartment (aside from Pen Pen), had a morning beer or two and set off to the station, to which she sat, alone, and waited for the train to come, to which she boarded, alone, and got off of to walk to NERV, to which she entered, alone, to which she walked up to her overly pretentious office and sat down to file through the mandatory daily paperwork, alone. Then after an hour or two of work and procrastination, she would walk, alone, to the hospital wing and visit Y/N. She would spend the next hour or two in there, silently, alone, until it was time to eat. Sometimes she would grab something quick, other times she didn't grab anything at all. After lunch she would return, alone, to Y/N's room. At some points Ritsuko, Mari or Rei would drop in to say hi or check on Misato and Y/N's recovery. Small talk would be exchanged, and then they would leave, to which Misato would continue to sit, alone, for the next few more hours. Them eventually, she would head home, alone, to make dinner for herself, get horrendously drunk and fall into bed.

If you excuse her frequent hospital visits, it was exactly how she was living a few years ago before Shinji and Asuka arrived. Now everyone wasn't here, however, it felt wrong. It didn't feel wrong back then, but it did now. Family would do that to you.

Misato woke up.

She had gotten a call from Ritsuko at about half six in the morning. Flopping around loosely under her sheets she managed to seize the phone and find enough strength to yell down it.

Misato - "Ritsuko! It's too eeeaaarly! If there's been another fire, make Mari deal with it-"

Ritsuko - "L/N's waking up. Head over as soon as you can."

Misato - "W-What?! Why didn't you start with that?"

Misato practically felt the harsh gaze through the phone as she folded out of bed, thumping against the floor with a dramatic thud and sprinting around the apartment half nude in a desperate attempt to gather her uniform. Ritsuko continued speaking through the phone as she dashed around.

Ritsuko - "He showed a sudden increase in brain activity. I'm not sure when exactly he'll be up, but I guarantee it'll be today."

Misato - "Any info from the Eva's?"

Ritsuko - "Not yet. We've tried contacting Kaji but he's said he's seen no sight of them yet. I'm considering sending out Rei to try and find them."

Misato - "Well let's talk about that when I arrive, I'll be there within the hour!"

Before Ritsuko could respond the phone was already hung up.

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