For you to see me

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Nicolas's Pov

"What the fucking hell!"

I woke up with a sprint, looked round for a little while, trying to realise where the fuck was I.

"The fuck Nick."

I was at Paige's house. Shit! I had been out for the whole night. Louis is gonna ground me for an year or so. Man I'm so fucking dead.

"Paige I need to get back home.I have been out for the whole ass night. My brothers are gonna dig a grave for me." Where the hell is my phone?

"You're overreacting Nicolas." Like hell I'm. The last time I was out for a night and my phone went off, Louis took away my phone and grounded me for a whole fucking week.

When in crisis, Paige has a tendency to act extremely inconsiderate but I can't really blame her. At this moment she needs me, she really does and I'm supposed to be here for her ,with her to make sure that she's fine. I understand that, I do.

But that didn't mean that my brothers would understand that and it wasn't really my fault this time. Paige caught her boyfriend cheating on her.Her sister wasn't home for whatsoever reason and her father was on the night shift this week. And I decided to stay over, bought her chocolates , went for karoke,got drunk and the rest is well history.

"I'm so sorry Paige. I really need to leave. I'll call you later." I picked up my phone and ran for my life.


I wasn't greeted by an engraged Louis or an infuriated Oliver waiting for me at the door, rather it was all too very peaceful. That's surprising.

Did they not notice that I was out for the entire night? That's not possible ,that was what I thought.

But what I saw next startled me for a second. Louis, Oliver and Noah were seated around the table, while Louis was consulting about how Noah was doing in school, Oliver ate his breakfast in complete silence. Did they really not notice that I was out for the night? Perhaps.

"You woke up late Nicolas. Eat your brea-

"I was out last night." I would get in trouble perhaps but at this particular moment I wanted them to know. When they were seated around enjoying like a perfect little family, they didn't notice that I wasn't there. Me being with them or not doesn't make a difference. They have him back.

Louis looked startled for a millisecond , his dilated pupils stared back at me but he was quick to compose himself.

"May I ask where were you?" His asked in an almost forceful stern voice.

"Why would you care. Just fucking enjoy the breakfast with your long lost little coward of a brothe-

"Another word and you're not playing in the finals." Never did he ever went as far as to interfere in my basketball training or matches. Louis would never come to watch me play, but neither had he ever tried to stop me from playing or discouraged me. That was the only thing I was good at, and Louis knew better than to take that away from me.

"You wouldn't ", Would he? Would he do it for the guy who left us behind? Probably. In the past two years ,I had never seen Louis having a genuine smile on his face, but today his eyes gleamed with joy while his face wore a sincere smile while he spoke to Noah. Noah was the moon we all once adored .When we lost him , we were thrown into depths of grief.Abyss of darkness swallowed us all while we struggled to find the light. But now that he was back, was I supposed to forget it all. Did they forget it all?

"It's me. It's Nic, Noah."

"You're not allowed to call me Nicolas." Allowed? I don't fucking need anyone to 'allow' me to talk to my brother. I'll talk to him when I fucking want to.

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