Katsuki Bakugou: My Life Sucks

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Music started playing, the sound of Bakugou speaking repeatedly through a filter coming through. The man in question sat in a recording booth, microphone in front of him as he listened to the audio.

"My life, m-my life, my life, my life sucks. my life, m-my life my life, my life sucks-fuck!"

"Alright, alright, okay. I like how this is sounding-eh-right now. But Shig do you think you can maybe make my voice deep? Like one of those 'Lil Might tracks."

The audio paused as Shigaraki gave a thumbs up, leaning over to a computer and typing something before nodding at Katsuki.

"Fuck. OH GOD!"

The audio returned, a lot deeper than before as Bakugou started rapping.

"Momma won't buy me superhero merch!"

"No, she won't stick no sticky fingers in her purse."

"And if she don't give me money imma steal from church."

His expression darkened, a smirk appearing.

"'Cuz I can't let Izuku get the merch first!"

"My birthday's April 20 and I never celebrate,"

"'Cuz last time I choked on a piece of cake."

He winced.

"When I turned eight Momma said I was a mistake."

"Didn't really bother me tho, I took it okay."

Bakugou shrugged, acting nonchalant.

"Internet trolls always calling me weird,"

"I get mad shame thrown at me by all of my peers."

"I've been a sad man for like 25 years."

"I'm not dabbing on my haters, I'm just hiding my tears!"

He turned slightly away from the mic and laughed.

"Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro."

Bakugou started to swing his hand, snapping along to the beat.

"All anti-depressants that I've tried before."

"I do my best to hide it but my friends all know,"

"I live a good life, and pretend that it blows!"

"Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro."

"All anti-depressants that I've tried before."

"I do my best to hide it but my friends all know,"

"I live a good life, and pretend that it blows!"

"When I'm out in public, I'm always smiling, tried it."

"But when I'm home alone my tears are flowing like a hydrant!"

"Neighbors called the cops last night cuz I was crying,"

"'Yes I'm sorry Mr. officer, I'll try to be silent.'"

"Friends going to a party so I'm kinda exited."

"But when I asked if I could come he said I wasn't invited."

"Yeah I guess I saw it coming, you could call me a psychic,"

"Eating Oreos and whiskey while I'm spending the night in."

He suddenly sped up his rapping.

"Gen Z got me sick yo, my boyfriend wants my dick bro."

"I can't get hard for shit tho and now he's really pissed, well,"

He sped up even more, speeding through the words.

"Cuz I'm drunk as fuck and I'm half asleep."

"He's mad at me and I'm mad at my meat."

"No sex tonight, the night's incomplete."

"God what an end to a terrible week!"

"Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro."

"All anti-depressants that I've tried before."

"I do my best to hide it but my friends all know,"

"I live a good life, and pretend that it blows."

"Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro."

"All anti-depressants that I've tried before."

"I do my best to hide it but my friends all know,"

"I live a good life, and pretend that it blows."

He took a deep breath before rapping faster than Deku's muttering.

"Everything's great but I still complain."

"I got a couple loose screws but I'm not in pain."

"And my head's not broken it's just a sprain."

"I got a healthy body but a shitty brain."

He slowed down, gasping slightly.

"I'm good.. at rapping.. fast."

"But.. I can't.. do it.. long."

"That's why.. I'm rapping.. slow."

"For the.. rest.. of this.. song, see me!"

"Now I'm self medicating, no more doctors,"

He grinned, pride appearing on his face.

"And I don't need pharmaceuticals to prosper!"

"Yeah I do my best to hide it but I'm socially awkward."

"The weirder you are the more you have to offer!"

"All of this is bullshit~"

"Nothing means anything~"

"All of this is bullshit~"

"Nothing means anything~"

"All of this is bullshit~"

"Nothing means anything, at all."

"A-a-all of this is bullshit."

"Na-na-na-na,-na-na-na-nothing means anything-"

The music suddenly cut out and Bakugou looked up from the floor.

"Oh I guess it's over now."

"Alright, I'm gonna go hate myself some more,"

"See you guys later."

Singing AU: Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now