Chapter 11: Cheater

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Delilah's POV
10:25 PM

We are all getting ready to go to a party, I got dressed and put makeup on and I decided to take a pic of myself. I took my phone and placed it on the table.

Since the club was close to the hotel, we decided to just walk, the entire time we were walking

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Since the club was close to the hotel, we decided to just walk, the entire time we were walking. Tom was holding my hand tightly.

We made it to the club and we all went straight to the bar, the bartender had a very strong Italian accent it was a bit hard to understand him.

After we drank, we decided to go dance. While we were dancing, some girl was getting really close to Tom but I thought that Tom will just ignore her.

I turned around to see bill sitting on the floor in the corner, I went over to him and sat down next to him, I didn't drink much because I'm the one in charge bringing the guys back to the hotel.

Bill was saying random words that made no sense.

Bill:Merry furking christonchristoncs.
He said looking at the wall like someone is talking to him.

Delilah:Uhh Bill, who are you talking to? And what the fuck did you say?
I said looking at him.

Bill:Gurl can't you see I'm talking to my boss and it's CHRISTMAS.
He said getting excited.

Delilah:What boss? Bill it's not even Christmas..
I said looking confused.

He was just talking nonsense for 10 minutes straight, I'm not complaining it was pretty funny.

He said putting his hands on his head.

I said laughing

I saw bill fall asleep so I got up and saw Gustav sitting on the sofa so I went to see what he's up to. At this point Gustav had a bit too much to drink and he was unable to form a coherent word.

I got up and decided to look for Tom, While I was looking around for Tom, some guy started following me and flirting with me, I turned around to him and told him to fuck off.

As I entered the room, my heart sank as I saw Tom having sex with someone, They both looked at me and Tom got up to explain.

Tom:Delilah it's not what it looks like, I can explain.

I yelled at him

I looked over at the girl to take a good look at her, i immediately realized it was my younger sister, Stella.

Delilah:Stella what the fuck are you doing here and why are you with my boyfriend?!
I yelled at her while Tom put his clothes back on.

She put her pants on and stood in front of me.

Stella:What does it look like I'm doing. Mom sent me here to ruin your life, and it looks like your boyfriend likes me more than you.
She laughed in a mean way.

Delilah:You whore, why can't you just leave me alone?!
I said to Stella then looking at Tom.

Delilah:I feel betrayed and hurt that you would cheat on me!

Tom just stared at me with a guilty look on his face, I turned my gaze back to Stella and slapped her, I left the room and went to find the other guys to bring them back to the hotel.

The entire time Delilah was frustrated and she knew Tom wasn't drunk so he probably did it on purpose, Delilah got the guys to go in their rooms.

She went into her hotel room and she started taking her makeup off, tears were streaming down her face, she couldn't believe Tom would cheat on her after he promised that he wouldn't.

She got in her pajamas and sat on the bed to check her socials. Delilah heard the door open, she turned around and saw Tom, she immediately turned off her phone and tried to fall asleep.

Tom's POV

I didn't know what I was thinking, why was I so stupid, I fell in her trap, I really didn't mean to cheat on her, I don't know what to do now, I was dumb and I could've avoided this.

I was tossing and turning not being able to sleep because of what I did to Delilah, I turned towards her to hug her from behind, but she pushed my arm away.

The next day
10:13 AM
Bill's POV

I was sitting on the couch watching TV, while Gustav and Georg we're having an argument about yesterday's party, I heard someone walk down the stairs, I turned my head and saw Delilah.

She sat next to me and she was acting differently, Gustav and Georg saw and asked Delilah if there's something wrong.

Delilah:Tom cheated on me at the party yesterday..
She said with a blank face and tone.

We all look at her confused not knowing if she's telling the truth or not, we asked her how she found out about it.

Georg:How did you find out?!
He said in a shocked tone.

Delilah:Well, after I talked with Bill i decided to go look for Tom since Bill was drunk as hell, I went in one of the rooms and saw Tom having sex with someone..AND YOU KNOW WHO?!
She said getting irritated.

The guys:WITH WHO!
Me, Gustav and Georg yelled.

Delilah:My fucking younger sister, he didn't choose anyone else to cheat on me with but my sister? To be honest I cant trust Tom anymore..
She said in a frustrated tone.

Tom came down stairs and Delilah stood up and went in the kitchen, I told Tom to sit next to me because I wanted to talk to him about something.

Bill:Tom.Why did you do that?
I said looking disappointed.

Tom:Listen Bill, I didn't mean to, her sister means nothing to me and I don't know how it happened..
He said unable to explain the situation.

Bill:That makes no sense. What do you mean you don't know what happened?!
I said getting annoyed.

1058 words💅🏻
I know Tom isn't actually like that but I wanted the story to be dramatic🌚
Credits to my gal:Beyoncé for helping with this chapter🌟

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