16/3/13 - A Good Day to Die Hard!

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Dear Henry, 

I am so happy right now! So so happy! 

I went to see "A Good Day to Die Hard" !

As a die-hard fan of Bruce Willis and the Die Hard movies, I was disappointed when the premiere of the movie was scheduled to go to cinemas here a month later than in the US. I couldn't wait to see it so when I finally got the chance, I went. The movie started at 8pm and I got to the cinema ten minutes to eight. 

I didn't buy popcorn, I didn't buy a drink, I didn't buy anything. Why? Because I wanted to focus on the movie and enjoy it to the fullest. That's why I didn't tell anyone about going. So I could go alone. And I even had the whole row for myself! True, the guys in-front of me and behind me were munching their popcorn but I didn't hear them after a while. 

You see, I don't think there's anyone around me that likes Bruce as much as I do. Except for my dad. Movies and humor are the two things we share and have in common. He's the one who got me hooked on Bruce Willis, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, etc. We both love Indiana Jones. And I actually asked him if he wanted to go with me. He has to come here (grandmother's place) on Sunday anyway. But he couldn't come today. And he was so jealous I could go! 

Gosh, I want to see it again! And again, and again! Bruce is so sexy, when he's bald! Hahaha! No kidding! Look at the picture in the external link!

And you know, I can confidently say that I was probably the only one who's so obsessed with those movies. Because when there was a joke or a reference or inside jokes that only people who have seen the previous movies would understand, I was the only one laughing in the cinema. Not many people came but still... 

And now I feel like watching all the Die Hard movies again and I might do just that, because I have them in my laptop! 

You HAVE to watch that movie! 


Song of the day: I'm So Sick by Flyleaf ! (Remember the scene in "Live Free or Die Hard" when Matthew turned this song on in his apartment a few minutes before John knocked on his door?

 -  Told you! Obsessed!) 

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