15/9/13 - Back and older than before.

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Dear Henry,

it's been way too long since I wrote you and entry. A lot of things happened, some I don't even remember anymore. But that's to be expected with my memory, right?

The most important thing is - I graduated high school! I started studying for the exams a week before them and got two A's and two B's on my diploma. You should have seen the surprised faces of my teachers. I could tell that they didn't think I would do so great.

In literature, I got Jane Eyre. So I had to talk about the author and the book for fifteen minutes. I got an A.

While the graduation exams were happening, college entrance were coming closer and closer with every passing minute. Unfortunately, I didn't get into the college that I wanted to attend; it was the Japanology course. So instead of that, I'm starting the English and Literature course at another college, on next Monday.

This college actually organizes a get-together for freshmen every year. Well, older students of that college do. So I payed to got at the beginning of September. We were in cabins near a big lake and I hated every second of it. I don't even know why I wanted to go in the first place. It was all about alcohol and getting wasted. And because I don't drink with people I'm not comfortable with and because I don't really like to drink that much, I spent the week inside of the cabin, watching Dexter and trying not to move my hurting back.

When I got back, I washed my clothes because the next day, I was going on a holiday with my mother. Now, I didn't want to go with her. I don't know what she was thinking, when she suggested it and when she told me that she had always wanted to go on a holiday with me. I don't like her... Anyway, we went to this one famous spa town. And I hated almost every second of that week, too.

Except when we went bowling and I found a rope climbing centre near the town so we went there and it was fun. And we went to see Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Which I really liked. I dislike Lily Collins but oh-my-god Jamie was SO HOT with those runes! And dorky Robert was adorable!

But I was still really excited to be home again. I hated that she kept asking me about who is texting me, who am I texting etc.

As for the actual holiday - meaning the July and August - I was working every day. Not even a single day off. Not even on my birthday. Yes, I am now officially nineteen years old. And it sucks.

Talk to you soon!

Anxious about college, Melanie.

Song of the day: Memphis May Fire - Miles Away

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