Chapter 13: Daring

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~Harry's POV~

I laid still in my bed, not daring to move.

"I said get up!" The voice boomed again, flashing the light directly at me, "I know you're awake!"

I had no choice but to get up, I stood in front of two figures shining the light in my face, I squinted my eyes and tried covering my eyes, "What do you want?" I asked them. They unlocked the bar doors, one of them quickly grabbed and handcuffed me, dragging me outside into the hall while the other stepped inside my cell. I was kicked at the back of my knee and slammed to the ground. "What is it?" I groaned innocently from the floor.

"Dont act like you dont know." The one in my cell growled. It was then that I recognised him and realized he was the warden. It was dark but I saw a majority of his face from the flashlight and I knew his voice. "What are you up to in here? We heard a noise."

"So you automatically assume its me?" I asked. Though I shouldnt have done that, the guard that had a hold of me picked me up and slammed me back down to the floor with a loud thud.

"Be quiet." He hushed. I did as was told and closed my mouth. I laid there watching the warden at a side angel as he looked all over my cot, under the mattress and sheets. I cant even begin to describe the relief I felt for getting rid of the things under my mattress. Although it made me realize I didnt watch after my vent, I panicked again and prayed it would stay and he wouldnt find any cracks and rip it off.

"Everyone heard it." The warden grumbled, "What were you up to?" He asked me, not bothering to keep his voice down from all the other inmates like before.

I didnt flinch, "I dont know what you're talking about."

The warden turned his back on me and searched deeper into my cell to the corner where my dirty uniform was. He picked it up looking though it trying to find something, instead all that fell from it were dried bits of cement. He picked a few up and came back up to me, "What the hell is this?" He asked me.

I squinted my eyes through the darkness pretending like I didnt already know what it was, "Cement?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Whats it doing in your cell, huh?" He asked me, squatting down to my level to get a closer look at me.

"Just from the construction site." I shrugged.

He was quiet a moment, "Are you chipping through my walls?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, as well as my fear, "Does it look like Im chipping though your walls, Sir?"

He chuckled at this, which actually scared me, and answered, "We'll just have to check, wont we?" He got up and turned around, going back to my cell.

I panicked, I knew the first thing he would check was my vent. "Sir?"

He turned back around, "What?" He asked impatiently.

"May I ask why you're doing this to me?"

He was silent, as if processing the question, "You're up to something. Quit playing dumb Styles." He growled in frustration.

"But does that mean Im involved with whatever that noise was?"

He scowled and snarled at me before raising his voice even higher, "Maybe it doesnt but this is my prison and I can run it however I want."


Both the warden and I jumped from the voice that spoke up behind us. We both turned our heads to see Hazel standing there with a flashlight of her own. "Actually, Sir, you are the assistant warden, remember?"

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