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"So then I stabbed him!" Wilford laughed as the group walked to the Chinese restaurant to pick up their food

"Yeah it was not fun." Mark winced remembering his interview with Wilford

"So anyway Wilford I didn't realize you were so good with butterfly knives. I saw your part in Space." Jack said to change the topic

"Well you can thank Anti-boy for that one! I may be a great stabber but I am more talented with a gun. It took me forever and a few nicks too but Wilford Warfstashe don't take no shit from no body." Anti chuckled at the memory. It took hours for Wilford to get the butterfly knife right.

"Really?" Jack asked Anti growled. Yeah because I can't do anything for anyone. God what an asshole

"What I can't be helpful once in a damn while. Sorry forgot I am the monster the fooking villain." He started to walk faster to get away from the group

"Wait I" Jamison held him back

'Let him go. He needs to cool off.' Jack looked down. He didn't mean to offend Anti but he was not used to this Anti. Last he saw of him was the incident. He made the decision to kick him out. Jackie had a few encounters after that but that was it. Didn't Anti make himself the villain? He was the one who attacked everyone.

"Jack I know I encouraged you to try and I appreciate it but this is going to take time. He still has fresh wounds." Jack scoffed at Marks words

"And the others don't? Do you know what he did to them? Chase got so bad after the incident. Jackie was out night and day trying to find him. Marvin even tried to make a fooking tracking spell! He stayed up for a week trying to make it work! Not to mention his attack on me! I could have died!" Mark looked at Jack with a sorry expression

"You know that's not what I mean. All of you have open wounds. Just give it time. I can tell you he has changed he is just scared to show you guys." Mark said trying to be hopeful. The rest of the walk to the restaurant was quiet.

"I'll go grab it." Jack said He went in and grabbed the bags. When he came back out he handed one to everyone. They really had a lot of food for the many egos at the Iplier mansion.

Once they got back everyone was in the dining room already ready to eat. The group that got the food set it up on the table. Dark already got their plates and utensils set up. Everyone sat down and began to get their food.

"You ready?" Marvin whispered to Chase. Chase grinned and nodded. As Anti went to put his fork full of orange chicken in his mouth Marvin waived his hand. Anti chewed for a little before feeling his mouth burning. What the hell it was never this spicy before? Did they change the recipe? He started sweating.

"Anti are you ok?" Dark asked looking worried

"Water" he sputtered as the burning spread. He ran to the kitchen grabbing the sprayer and spraying his mouth trying to get relief. Everyone followed worried except for Marvin and Chase who were watching and giggling. He grabbed the carton of milk in the fridge and began chugging desperately

"What can't deal with some spice?" Marvin laughed. Dark gave the magician a glare having a good idea of what happened. What did Anti do to deserve this? It had been years and he left them all alone! Didn't they know how much it hurt what he did? He broke knowing no matter how much he wanted his so called family would never accept him. Marvin gulped seeing Dark's fury. Dark slammed him against the wall

"You think this is fucking funny!" His aura lashed making Marvin sweat. Anti took the distraction to run off to their room in embarrassment.

"Dude it was just a prank!" Chase said "He is not hurt." Dark glared at Chase "Get the fuck out." He seethed

"Wait Dark." Mark began

" Get the FUCK OUT!" He yelled as the room began to turn black Everyone ran outside even the Ipliers knowing Dark was going to lash out if they didn't.

"Guys why would you do that? You know we have no where else to go." Jackie scolded Marvin and Chase. "I know Anti has done some fucked up shit to us all but getting back at him only makes us stoop down to his level." The two looked down feeling guilty knowing the hero was right. "You better hope Dark doesn't kick us out for that." After twenty minutes of standing outside Host spoke up

"The host sensed that Dark was finally calming down allowing the septics and Ipliers to go back inside." He narrated

"Thanks host." Mark said "Um let's go back in." As they went back in they saw the dinning room tattered and in disarray. Quickly the host narrated "and the dinning room was fixed before anyone could say another word" before they knew it the dinning room was as they left it before Dark's rampage

"Let me go talk to Dark he is probably in his and Anti's room." Mark said "You guys get back to eating." Everyone shuffled to their seats not sure of how to continue after what happened. Mark walked up the stairs to hear more sniffles and see a punch mark in the wall most likely made by Dark.

"Hey guys it is me can you open up?" He heard a shuffle and a click seeing Anti open the door while Dark was doing breathing exercises.

"Hey Mark." Anti said with a sniffle "he is doing better just needed some time." Mark looked at Dark

"How are you?" He asked Anti

"M'fine." He mumbled. Mark did not believe him he saw the hurt in his eyes.

"If the septics are going to continue to stay we will have rules. Is that clear?" Dark said still angry but better.

"Ok I understand. You are the one in charge." Dark chuckled

"Actually Anti wanted me to let them stay. I wanted to kick them out immediately." Mark looked over to Anti who just stood not knowing what to do.

"Are you sure? We could figure out something else if it is a problem. What they did was not cool." Mark tried to comfort the demon

"It's fine besides can't have a hotel for multiple people with the same face right?" He chuckled trying to not be scared but he was. He knew he deserved a lot worse that a prank for what he did but he actually had hoped they would give him a second chance. God he was so fucking stupid.

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