The Incident Part 2

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Anti and the kids went outside the treehouse.

"I bet I can beat you to the top!"Sammy exclaimed to his Uncle. Anti chuckled

"Oh really now looks like someone is over confident. I bet I can beat you while helping your sister!" Anti said he might be a pushover with the kids but there was no way he would lose!

"Fine but when I win you owe me old man!" Anti gave a fake shocked and offended sigh

"Oh it is on now kid." Sammy got on one side of the tree while Anti got on the other side with Kallie.

"3.....21 Go!" Sammy yelled catching the demon off guard with his faster counting of the last two numbers. Anti quickly grabbed Kallie and lifted her on a strong sturdy branch before starting to lift himself. Sammy was confident and was already a fourth of the way there while Anti had to reach down to get Kallie before he could climb more. As they got half way Anti started gaining on Sammy but the boy  was determined. He quickened his pace grabbing a limb before it snapped. His face went wide. He screamed. He was plummeting to the ground. He braced for impact scared of what will happen once he hits. Then he felt something grab him as he slammed into the ground

"Aah" Someone groaned. He was fine? He looked down to see Anti on his back on the ground with Sammy on top of him.

"Oh no are you ok Anti?" He asked as he got off. Anti was dazed not only was the wind knocked out of him from catching an eight year old on his lungs but he also slammed his head on a tree branch.

"Y-yeah damn that hurt." He tried to sit up only to get super dizzy and fall back down.

Mean while Kallie didn't know what was going on she heard a scream. Her Uncle told her to stay on the branch but she was scared. Where were her brother and uncle?

"Sammy?" She asked no answer. She started to tear up "Uncle Anti?" She was getting worried. She had to go see if they were ok. Anti would forgive her if she moved. She grabbed the branch she was on trying to push her little legs to reach the one below her. Almost ... almost She got it. She let go of the other branch only to not realize the one she stepped on was broken and could not support her weight. One minute she was stepping on the next branch the next she was falling.

As Sammy saw his uncle having problems he got worried. "Maybe we should get you to Uncle Henrik?"

"No it's ok I will survive." He comforted Sammy. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw a glint of tan and pink. He blinked trying to understand what he saw. When he looked again He saw her. Kallie was on the ground. He bolted over not caring about his bleeding head anymore. "Shit Kallie Kallie say something please!" He begged as he flipped her over. She was bleeding. She had a gash on her head from a rock that was on the ground.

"Uncle Anti?" He heard Sammy say sniffling "is she ok?" Anti didn't know what to say. Why was he so fucking stupid? This would have never happened if he wasn't such a fuck up! God damn it this is no time Kallie needed help He turned to Sammy " It's going to be ok Sammy take my phone you are going to call Uncle Jackie he will get Kallie to Uncle Henrik."

"But but I..." he stammered to scared to form a sentence. Anti grabbed his shoulders

"Look at me kid! You can do this you are so brave. It is ok to be scared but your sister needs you take the phone. Your dad told you Jackie's number right?"

"Y-yeah." He trembled shaking.

"Good good call him tell him we are a few minutes down the street from the park across from frosty's. You can do this kid I need to go if they find me they won't focus on making your sister better ok? Promise that you will make them focus on her."

"I promise." He said in a hushed whisper

"Good good call him. You can do this you are so brave." Anti said tearing up. It would be ok Jackie would come take Kallie to Henrik and she would be laughing and waning more ice cream in no time. Seeing the scared boy broke him but he knew the septics would focus on him if he was still there not her. With that he watched Sammy dial Jackie's number as it rang he gave Sammy one last hug "You got this you are a Septic." He said before glitching away.

When Jackie got there he rushed Kallie to Henrik who immediately took her into surgery. When she got out Anti was hiding in the security camera in her room. Listening as Henrik told Stacy and Chase that she was in a coma. Anti felt horrible seeing the little girl covered with tubes and medical equipment. She looked like a broken doll. Anti gave up what was the point of anything anymore. He glitched back to the septic house to his room and cried while wrapping himself up in a ball. He then felt something in his pocket. Her drawing. He held it close and cried.

After that Jack kicked him out. He finally became the monster they thought he was.

One week later Kallie passed away

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