The Plan

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After Chase left, Jackie went to the bathroom quick to clean himself up. He splashed water on his face. As he looked into the mirror he kept trying to tell himself I am ok. I need to be ok. They are depending on me. Anti is depending on me. He stood shaking at his fears before taking a deep breath and forcing on a smile. He could not break in front of anyone. A real Hero doesn't break in front of anyone. He hummed a happy little tune to force his mood up as he walked down the stairs. As he turned into the kitchen you could hear commotion.

"Need more coffee Doc." Marvin said

"You can get it yourself." Henrik grumbled.

'I gotcha!' Jamison signed as he grabbed Marvin's cup.

"Hey guys so now that everyone is here"

"Wait coffee." Marvin cut him off. Jamison gave him his cup of nice warm bean juice. He took a long sip. "Continue."

"Anyway, so I thought since Anti doesn't trust us enough to do things with us I thought that we should do something for him."

"Zhat is not a bad idea but vhat could ve do?" Henrik asked

"Glad you asked! I already talked with Dark and they are going to have a date day. All we have to do is hold down the fort." Jackie smiled waiting to see who would respond first.

"Really? Hold down the fort. In a fucking house of lunatics! We are going to get killed!" Chase finally piped up from behind his coffee cup.

"Oh come on man we can do this! I am sure Jamie can be with Wilford right?" Jackie looked at Jamie.

'Of course! Spending time with my boyfriend and helping Anti no problem!' Jamie gave a big thumbs up after signing.

"I could ward the house so no one leaves. That would make it easier to keep track of everyone." Marvin spoke up.

"Yes! Great dude! Come on guys. Anti could really use a night out." Jackie begged his brothers

"Fine but zhis will not be easy." Henrik muttered. Yet with Jackie's super hearing it was enough.

"Robbie help t-too." The zombie attempted to give a thumbs up.

"Chase? Come on man you are the only one we are waiting for." Jackie begged as his brothers looked at Chase expectantly. "Come on if anyone should know how much getting away for a nice day out helps it has to be you."

"Whatever." Chase sighed knowing they would do it anyway. Jackie gave his little brother a bone crushing hug. "J-j-Jackie r-ribs." He desperately breathed.

"Shit sorry man. You know how super strength is." Jackie tried to chuckle it off. "You are free to go." As the brothers left he held Chase back. "I am proud of you Chase. I know you have the worst with Anti and memories. You truly have grown." He pat Chase's shoulder. "Anyway let's get ready." Jackie pulled down his mask ready to start his mission.

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