My Other Works

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Vampire King

Genre: Vampire/ Romance/ Teen Fiction/ Fiction/ Supernatural Series: 1 of 2 Status: CompleteBlurb: "In the land of gods and monsters I was an angel; living in the garden of hell"

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Genre: Vampire/ Romance/ Teen Fiction/ Fiction/ Supernatural
Series: 1 of 2
Status: Complete
"In the land of gods and monsters I was an angel; living in the garden of hell"

Tyler King- the most powerful vampire on earth, the King of all vampires. Shae Valentine, a simple quiet oblivious human girl and Tyler's after her to stake his claim.

In everything he did, he always was surrounded by a darkness. He didn't think anyone could change that. But she did. Shae Valentine made him feel things he never knew was possible. She made him explore new things and love. She was his saving grace. Just as he was hers.

Even the Vampire King has a weakness.

Alpha of Doom

Genre: Werewolf/ Romance/ fiction/ Supernatural/ Teenfiction Series: 1 of 1Status: CompleteBlurb: "In the end, the guy doesn't change for the girl, the girl is still broken and they don't end up together

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Genre: Werewolf/ Romance/ fiction/ Supernatural/ Teenfiction
Series: 1 of 1
Status: Complete
"In the end, the guy doesn't change for the girl, the girl is still broken and they don't end up together."

He was cold
He was tormented
He was cruel
He was ruthless
He was powerful
He couldn't love
He killed
He was the alpha of doom

She was fragile
She was sweet
She was kind
She loved anyone
She was broken
She was tortured
She was an omega

The Gang Leaders Angel

The Gang Leaders Angel

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