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Recap of the last chapter because I've been gone so long.
Emberly caught Titus on the couch with another woman. Feeling heartbroken, her, Chris and Landon decide fo go bowling. After their bowling session a group of men show up, all armed. They threaten them all and threaten Emberly once finding out she's Titus' "girl". All of the boys come to the rescue and Emberly soon has the knowledge that they're gang members.

Sorry for the wait!!

My eyes zone in and out of focus. The whispers of the air blowing through my tangled hair. The nights cold air nips at my skin, leaving me standing there, shaking. Adrenaline floods my system, it pumps and beats like it's trying to escape. I hear my name being called faintly, but it's as if I don't hear it at the same time. The cold harsh air isn't the source of my shivering. Instead, the cold, hard truth was. The fear of the unknown. The fear of what they have done. The fear of who they are. The fear of who he really is.


My eyes focus and my hearing becomes clear. "Emberly," Landon repeats. His face is contorted in a shape of distraught.

I shake my head, my hair slapping against my cheeks with the motion of my head. My feet move as if they have a mind of their own, slowly and away from these men whom I thought I knew. In reality, they're all strangers. One thing I do not condone is killing. Drugs. Violence. Lying. Gangs.

Does Amalia know Jarrad is a man of violence? Does Cadence know who Aidan really is? Pins and needles stab at my oesophagus- the feeling of crying hurting.

Titus looks panicked. His breathing laboured and he walks closer to me with every step I take. "Emberly-"

"Stop!" I exclaim. "I thought you were all different. I didn't think you were of a violent nature, or did drugs.... I didn't think you lived this sort of life. If I knew I would never have come and gotten close with any of you." I know my words slice into their hearts. The look of shock and hurt on Chris and Landons face, breaks me. They were like my best friends.

Getting mixed up with the wrong people isn't something I've wanted for myself. I still don't. Which is why with my hand held out, stopping them from coming any closer; I spoke my final words.

"I need time. Time away from all of you. Don't come and find me. I will be gone tonight."

I pause for a moment longer. To look to Titus. He can't meet my eye, his arms cross over his broad chest- veins protruding from his muscular arms. His eyes look past my face, the pools of brown seeming unfazed.

I shake my head at him and turn away, my heart feeling heavy at the news that is now ringing through my ears.
"Here you go hunny," Angel places a plate of my favourite foods in front of me. I smile at her and look down at the plate, my heart feeling heavy.

She sits across from me, I know she's thinking a thousand things but however she doesn't speak. "How much do you like him?"

I look up into her eyes, not knowing where she is going with this. When I don't answer her, she repeats the question. "YES!" I answer, not wanting to be questioned further.

"Then what's the issue?" She asks, her eyebrows raised.

"What did you mean what is the issue? He's in a gang! They all are! Does cadence know? You know what, she probably does. There was so many secrets and I knew it. Hiding information from me, telling me he was bad for me but not stating the reason why. He kills people. He does drugs. He does all of that! He sleeps around, he looked into my eyes as he was touching another girl. The funny thing is, he knows. He knows how I feel about him. Yet, he still tries to hurt me."

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