Where is he?

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The four of them exited the kitchen, Quinn still being carried. "So, which way?" Jessica asked while looking from side to side. "Well, me and John came left so I guess we should continue" Quinn said. "Jessica and I also came from that way," Marla added. "Okay, well that settles it, right it is" Quinn smiled.

Jessica and Marla walked in front of John and her, checking inside each door cautiously. Quinn could feel John adjust his hands ever once in a while trying to get a better grip so he wouldn't drop her. Quinn couldn't stop looking down at her foot, though she couldn't see it, she could feel the gaping hole in her foot. Jessica turned her head to look at John and Quinn, "Do you think Carlton is even down this w-" Jessica tried to ask before being interrupted. A high-pitched scream echoes throughout the hallway. The four of them turn to make eye contact with each other, "Carlton," they all muttered. Quinn looked up at John, "I think I'll be able to walk now, you can put me down" she smiled. "Are you sure? Your foot still looks really red and swollen," John said worriedly. "Yeah, I'm sure, I'll be fine, plus without you carrying me we might be able to move a little faster" Quinn said reassuringly. John nodded his head, he slowly bent down gently putting her on the ground. He continued to hold on to her until she gained balance again. A surge of pain stung through her leg as she put pressure on it making her stubble a bit, "Are you okay?" John said, reaching for her. "I'm fine, I'm fine," Quinn muttered while waving him away with her hand. John took a step back with his hands in their air, Quinn chuckled, "Come on, let's go find Carlton".

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