A Way Out

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"Guys, I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to carry him so can you hurry it up?" John called. Quinn scanned the room, I seemed to be relatively empty other than the plastic table in the middle that overflowed with robotic parts. There was a little door right in the far corner of the room, "Am I going to be lucky for the first time tonight?" Quinn thought to herself. She wandered over placing her hand on the cold metal doorknob. She gave it a little twist not expecting for it to open but it gave way. Quinn stumbles out onto the oddly warm concrete. She gazed around at her surroundings. The bright morning sun had begun to make its way over the horizon, its strong glow seemed to reflect on everything around her. "Wow, we were in there way longer than I thought!" Quinn mumbled to herself. She stared down at the concrete that laid beneath her; a large, dark red stain covered the ground: reality hit her again. "I was here before, this is my blood, this is where Ballora attacked me" Quinn said aloud to herself.

Remembering about the others, Quinn quickly jumped up spinning around to face the doorway. Everyone was already there, "are you guys ready to go?" Quinn asked. They all nodded their heads, "I've decided that I'm gonna take little Jacob here to the police station" Jessica smiled looking down at the child. "We're gonna get Carlton to the hospital, you wanna come?" John asked. Quinn nodded her head eagerly, "Lets go".

* * *

Silence filled the car as they drove to the hospital. Quinn just stared out the window watching the sun rise over the fields. It was a calming sight, it let her forget about the hell that they had just been through, though the thoughts never really left her mind. "Hey Quinn, are you gonna need to see a doctor too?" Marla asked with concern in her voice. "Nah I'm fine, the pains practically disappeared so I'm sure I'll be alright" Quinn smiled. Marla gave her a strange look, "are you sure, you literally had a pipe stabbed through your foot! It could get infected!". "Maybe some other time but not... today." Quinn trailed off. She eyed the passenger's seat in front of her. All she could really see was the back of Carltons head and neck but the way he slumped over made him look so, dead. His neck was unnaturally pale, and his hair was still all matted together from the blood. Out of the corner of her eye, Quinn could see Marla trying to look at what she was looking at. "Is this about Carlton? Because if it is, you should put yourself before him, he'll be safe with the doctors and nurses and he'll have me and John by his side" Marla reassured. Quinn darted her head back angrily, "I'm not just gonna leave him in this state, he needs me!" she said uneasily. Quinn watched as a grin spread across Marla's face, she raised one eyebrow at her. "He needs, you?" Marla smirked. Quinn felt her face turn cold as she darted her head away. "He needs all of us..." Quinn muttered; she saw Marla smile before she turned back to the window. The sun had fully risen now, it's warm glow spread over the fields. John made a swift turn and the car stopped abruptly. "We're here" he said blankly.

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