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Vaera was snooping again. She was snooping where she wasn't meant to go. Ever since she could remember, she sneaked around the castle to places she wasn't meant to go.

She wanted to explore. She was bored. And when she couldn't fly, she snooped. That was what led her to a small door, right next to the Maesters chambers.

A door so small that you'd miss it if you weren't looking for it. No one ever really looked for the door or ever noticed it before. This door was meant to be found by Vaera.

She knew she wasn't supposed to go into this room, but she couldn't help it. It seemed so enticing. When she opened the door, it creaked heavily, almost giving her away.

She looked inside, seeing only dust covered books. She had never been here or even heard about this room. Not even the handmaidens talked about a room here.

The books were so full of dust that Vaera almost thought that no one had been in this room since Aegon's conquest.

She picked up one of the books. It was red in colour when the dust was removed and the front had words in High Valyrian on it.

As Vaera looked at the words, she read them aloud. "The book of light?" She was clearly confused and as would be anyone in her situation.

She decided to open the book and was even more confused when the inside of the book was in the common tongue.

She rubbed her finger along the edge of the paper, where there was a drawing of a man standing over another, his hand on the other man's chest.

"We ask the Lord to shine his light and lead a soul out of darkness. We beg the Lord to share his fire and light a candle that has gone out."

Vaera read the passage aloud, looking at the drawing in confusion. She heard footsteps echoing outside, making her frightened.

She ripped the page from the book and folded it until it was small enough to put in her locket. The locket Aemond had given her on their last nameday.

She put the book down on the table and walked out of the room before closing the door and walking away, not a single person seeing her.


As Vaera read the page in the dim candlelight, she heard the creak of a door. She quickly hid the page in her locket before looking up.

Aemond was standing in front of her, wearing the same clothes he always did when he wanted to fly with her.

"Can we fly another night, I don't feel like it tonight." Aemond looked confused as he sat down next to Vaera on her bed.

"Are you ill? Shall I call a Maester?" Vaera shook her head. "No, I'm not ill. I just don't feel like flying tonight." He put his hand on her shoulder.

"Is it something I can help with?" He asked sincerely. "No." Aemond closed his eye as he looked down. This usually happened when he would wear his eyepatch for too long.

"Aemond..." Vaera looked at her brother, putting her hand on his. "You can take it off." He shook his head.

"No..." Once, a handmaiden had caught Aemond in his chamber without the eyepatch on.

She had screamed and thinking something was wrong, Vaera ran into the room, only to find Aemond struggling to put the patch back on as the handmaiden shrieked.

Ever since that day, Aemond didn't like taking off the patch. He believed himself to be ugly. To be a monster.

After the incident, the handmaiden was beheaded for her horrid reaction, but Aemond would still wear the patch, even when he was asleep.

"I told you, I don't find it terrifying. You can trust me." Aemond sighed, reluctantly taking the patch off, revealing the blue sapphire he'd placed in the empty socket where his eye used to be.

When Vaera didn't react, Aemond visibly relaxed. Vaera always used to joke that Aemond was her other half, just like her dragon. They had the same scar after all.

"See. The world didn't end. Nothing happened. You're fine." Aemond smiled as Vaera interlocked their fingers.

"If you give me a second to get dressed, I'll meet you at the Dragonpit." Aemond's smile got wider as he stood up, excitedly walking outside.


A/N- Aemond is so nice here. He's gonna become a bit of an asshole after the prologue chapters because, angst.

Also, I've been reading True Disaster by bloodygirlhood on here. It's an Aegon fanfic, but it's SO GOOD. I highly recommend, since he's not a bad person in that book.


I have nothing more to say ~ D

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