4○ 130 AC: USURPER

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Vaera suddenly opened her eyes, hearing the click of a lock. Her eyes were puffy from just being woken up, but she managed to frown.

She walked to the door, trying to open it, but it was stuck. "What's happening?" She asked but got no answer.

"Whoever might be out there, fetch my mother!" Vaera exclaimed. She wondered if the same had been done to her mother as well.

Then, she wondered why it was being done. Why could she possibly be locked up?

The only reason she could think of was if something bad happened. But it couldn't be true.

She sighed as she walked back to her bed and sat down. She truly had nothing to keep her from ripping her hair out or jumping from her balcony.

She suddenly heard the door unlock as her mother walked in. "Mother, what has happened?" She asked. Her mother hesitated, but Vaera could see that she'd been crying.

"Mother?" Alicent walked to her and hugged her, which she didn't find odd. Her mother usually tried to hug her and Helaena, but unlike Vaera, her sister never recepted.

Vaera knew to leave her sister alone as she didn't like to be touched. Only when Helaena would touch Vaera's hand or wrap her arms around her, which was very rare, would Vaera hug her sister.

Her mother was different. She would try and hug Helaena or touch her shoulder when she didn't want to be touched and would get shoved away, so when she couldn't hug her eldest daughter, she hugged her youngest.

Alicent broke away from her youngest daughter, sniffing back tears. "Your father, he - " Alicent hesitated. "He what?" Vaera asked, thinking the worst.

"The King has passed." Vaera felt her heart drop, but this was not because of sadness. This was a much stronger feeling than sadness. She felt fear.

"Does Rhaenyra know?" Alicent got quiet and looked down. "Your father expressed to me that he wanted Aegon to be crowned. He'll be crowned with the Conquerers crown, as your father wished."

Vaera nodded eagerly, but deep inside, she knew her father would never do that. She didn't believe a word her mother said.

"We are trying to find Aegon. Do you know where he might be?" Vaera shook her head. "The last time I saw Aegon was last night at supper."

Alicent nodded. "Aemond might know." Alicent nodded. "He's already gone with Ser Criston Cole." Vaera stood up. "I'm going too." Alicent shook her head.

"I want you to stay here, where it's safe." Vaera nodded. "As you wish, Mother." Vaera said as Alicent stood up and hugged her again.

"When you find Aegon, what will happen?" Vaera asked. "We'll discuss that later." Vaera nodded as her mother walked out.

She rolled her eyes. She hated acting stupid in front of her mother, but she knew she had to. She knew that Aegon would never want to be king.

She knew Rhaenyra would find out some way what her mother was planning. She knew for certain that her father would never want anyone other than Rhaenyra crowned.

She made her way to her dresser and picked up a cloak. She opened her door and looked outside. There were guards stationed at her door, which made her sigh angrily.

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