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Wind blew the ocean water up as Aemond frantically searched for any sign of Vaera.

As expected, he found nothing. All he saw was pieces of Arrax's wings floating in the water.

It was also difficult for him to maneuver Vhagar so low without risking falling in. He desperately clung to the saddle on her back as he screamed his sisters name.

Eventually, this became too tiring for the young prince. He wanted to find any sign of his sister. Anything that told him that she was still alive. That she was still out there, waiting for him.

He could care less about the Strong boy. He knew Vaera felt some sort of responsibility toward Rhaenyra's middle son.

When he was just about to give up, he saw something that made his heart drop. Floating on the water was a golden hairpin. It was something that Vaera despised.

She loved having her hair done, but she hated the pins. They always hung loosely in her hair.

It was no surprise that one came off, but Aemond feared the worst. He struggled to grab it at first but eventually managed to get Vhagar to fly low enough so he could grab it.

Aemond regretted grabbing the hairpin as soon as it was out of the water.

The hairpin was still clearly gold, but it was covered in blood. The blood was too far away to be Arrax's or Luke's.

Aemond assumed that Luke had fallen into the ocean or that Vhagar had gotten most of him when she bit his dragon in half, but this blood, the blood on the hairpin, this blood was his sister's blood.

Vaera Targaryen was dead.

Aemond felt a small sob escape his lips as he stared at the hairpin. He was angry at Vaera.

He was extremely angry at Vaera, and yet he still found himself caring about her. She was his twin. His other half. And now, she was dead.

In reality, Vaera had merely dropped the hairpin when she caught Luke before he fell. The blood was his, but Aemond didn't know that.

He sobbed until he got to the Dragonpit, jumping off of Vhagar and running to the nearest person who could provide comfort. His mother.


In the Eyrie, Jace was waiting to give his mother's terms to her aunt, Lady Jeyne Arryn, when he was called by a guard to receive a raven from Dragonstone.

Jace was beyond confused when the man gave him a somber look, encouraging him to open the letter at that moment.

He recognized the seal as his mother's, but he didn't expect the chaos and the heartbreak that was soon to come.

As Jace broke the seal, reading his mother's letter, he felt his heart drop. Luke was dead?

Of course, Jace had so many questions, but no one there had enough knowledge to answer them. Jace felt tears start to stream down his face at the loss of his brother, but he hadn't read the entire letter yet.

When he got to the end of the letter, he felt sick. He'd nearly forgotten that Vaera had gone with Luke to Storm's End.

He'd forgotten because he was sure she'd be safe. He was sure she wouldn't be harmed by Aegon or any of his men.

His mother wrote that Vaera had also perished along with Luke and his dragon. They had yet to find any sign of Meraxes, but there was enough blood to account for both deaths.

Jace didn't know what to think. The more he went over the words, the less he believed them. She couldn't be dead. She had to be alive.

She had to be alive because he had to see her again. The tears got worse as his brain finally registered what had happened.

Vaera, his beloved Vaera, was dead.

He'd never see her again. He'd never see her smile or hear her laugh or look into her beautiful eyes again. He'd never be able to hug her again. He'd never be able to see her be a mother.

All this hit him at once. The death of the two people he cared about more than anyone else in the world. He stumbled until he could find a chair where he sat, contemplating what to do next.

He shakily put the letter down as he put his head in his hands. Lady Jeyne had yet to receive him. He still had to face her, knowing his brother and the girl he loved were dead.

He didn't even know what to say to the guard who'd given him the letter. Lady Jeyne finally came out, sending him a smile that he did not return.

When she saw the tears streaming down his face, her brows furrowed. She walked a little closer to the boy and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Dear boy, what's happened?"


A/N- I finally figured out the gif thing, so all the chapters should have gifs now. And, I apologize if the chapters publish out of order because they seem to love doing that now. I genuinely have so many unpublished fics on here that I really wanna publish, but I don't know if anyone will read them. Also, I might delete this chapter when season 2 comes out and contradicts my information. (Cregan and Jace might still happen, causing me to delete the whole fic, lol.) And if you have any requests on fics, comment them, and maybe I've already written one. That is all for now. ~D

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