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Vaera looked at her sister as she spoke to her sons. Ser Erryk was standing next to her, holding a book.

"It's been said that as Targaryens, we are closer to gods than to men. And the Iron Throne puts us a touch closer, perhaps. But, if we are to serve the Seven Kingdoms, we must answer to their gods. If you take this errand, you go as messengers, not as warriors. You must take no part in any fighting. Swear it to me now. Under the eyes of the Seven."

Luke put his hand on the book, looking up at his mother. "I swear it." He said. Rhaenyra looked at Jace, who, in turn, did the same. "I swear it."

She looked back at Vaera, who stepped forward, putting her hand on the same book. "I swear it." She said, and Rhaenyra smiled. "Thank you." She said as Ser Erryk stepped back.

"Cregan Stark is closer to your age than to mine. I would hope that as men, you can find some common interest." Rhaenyra handed Jace two scrolls. One for Lady Jeyne Arryn and one for Cregan Stark.

"Yes, Your Grace." Luke looked at her, his eyebrows turned upwards with worry.

"Storm's End is a short flight from here. You have Baratheon blood from your grandmother, Rhaenys. And, Lord Borros is an eternally proud man. He will be honored to host a prince of the Realm and his dragon." Luke smiled as Rhaenyra held his hand, putting the scroll inside.

"Besides, Vaera will be there with you." Vaera could see Luke relax a little bit when he heard that she would be joining him.

"I expect you'll receive a very warm welcome." Rhaenyra said. "Yes, mother, y- your Grace." Luke quickly corrected himself.

She rubbed Luke's shoulder before letting go. "Go to it then." She said, nodding at her sons. As Vaera wanted to walk down the steps, Rhaenyra held her back.

"Vaera." She turned. "Look after my boy." She nodded before racing down the steps, letting out a high-pitched whistle.

After a while, a shadow fell on her and the two boys, and when they looked up, Meraxes was flying above them.

The dragon flew down and landed on the beach, roaring as Vaera smiled. Vaera suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, and when she turned around, Jace engulfed her in a hug.

"I don't know how long it'll be gone or when we'll see each other again..." The boy said as Vaera gave him a sad smile.

"When you come back, I'll take you to my island." Jace smiled as Vaera walked to Meraxes and climbed onto the gigantic dragon.

"Sōvēs!" She commanded, taking off after Arrax and Luke. Soon, they soared high above the clouds, Luke flying first with Vaera trailing behind.

When they finally reached Storm's End, Vaera got another odd feeling. She had to land somewhere else.

She couldn't land where Luke had landed, as Meraxes would crush everything in her wake, so she hovered over the courtyard before jumping down from the dragon, her boots landing on the soft stones below her.

Meraxes flew off to the other side of the castle, leaving Vaera alone with Arrax and Luke. The storm clouds had already begun to form when they arrived.

Vaera had never been to Storm's End before, but she could see where it got its name from.

Vaera and Luke both heard a bouldering roar, and when they looked to the side, they saw the unmistakable outline of Vhagar.

Vaera got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Wherever Vhagar was, Aemond was. This wasn't good.

"Luke, go back to Dragonstone. I can treat with Lord Borros." Vaera whispered, but Luke shook his head. "I have to do this myself." Vaera nodded slightly as they walked forward.

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