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Vaera jolted up as she looked over at Aemond. He had fallen asleep next to her, causing her to jump from her bed, away from him.

She didn't know how long she and Aemond were asleep for, but it had already grown dark.

She suddenly heard a knock on the door. Before, she was begging for Jace to knock, but now all she hoped was that it wouldn't be him.

"Vaera?" She heard a faint whisper come through the door. She recognized it. She hadn't prayed hard enough.

Jacaerys Velaryon stood outside her door. Vaera walked to the door before opening it. "I wanted to check on you. After, uh... may I come in?" Vaera shook her head.

"No. Uh, I'm fine. I'd like a bit of peace tonight." Jace nodded. "Of course. Shall I see you at supper?" Vaera looked confused. "Supper?"

Jace nodded. "King Viserys wishes for his whole family to be at tonight's supper. He will be there too." Veara felt an odd twitch in her mind. It was between fear and anger.

Of course, Viserys would want to have them all eat supper together when Rhaenyra was at court. "Of course. I will need time to get ready." Jace nodded.

"Vaera-" He was cut off when Vaera felt a hand on her shoulder.

Aemond stood behind her, his tunic probably somewhere on her floor. Anywhere but on his body.

"She said that she'd be there. You may leave now, nephew." Vaera saw Jace's jaw twitch as he looked at Aemond.

Jace left without a word, causing Vaera to look down. He was almost certainly mad at her.

"Why did you fall asleep? And why like that?" She asked. "Sorry." He muttered, slightly repressing a laugh.

"We have to clean up before supper and for fucks sake, put your shirt back on..." Vaera noticed the smile on his face, which made her want to laugh, but his expression switched from an almost laugh to a frown. "Supper?"

"The King wishes to have supper with his whole family tonight." Aemond rolled his eye. "Of course." Vaera gave him a small smirk before opening her door. "Go get dressed."


Once Vaera reached the dining hall, she immediately ran to Jace. He was alone. Baela hadn't arrived yet.

"Jace." He didn't look in her direction. "Jace, I need to speak to you before Aemond gets here." He looked up, and she could see the hatred in his eyes.

"Why would you need to speak to me? He seemed to have satisfied your needs." Vaera's facial expression changed from pleading to angry within a split second.

"I need to explain." Jace turned to her. "Fine. Get on with it." Vaera knew he was annoyed. "It's not what it looked like..." Jace looked at her, his eyes still filled with anger.

"I didn't sleep with Aemond. He took me to my chambers and we both fell asleep, nothing more, nothing less."

Vaera didn't like lying, especially to Jace, but she didn't think adding the kiss to the list of details was necessary.

Jace's annoyed look turned into one of sympathy. "I really am sorry. It was not my intention to anger you." Vaera said as Jace grabbed her hand.

"You don't have to apologize. I believe you." Vaera smiled slightly at Jace.

"What's going on?" She heard a voice behind her. "Baela." Jace said with a smile as he let go of Vaera's hand. "I was just making sure Vaera was alright after the incident in the throne room."

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 | Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now