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The woman sighed, glancing down at the bundle in her arms, before glancing back up at the forest.

Everything would be fine.

Her mate would show up soon, and they could leave this place with its unrest and its war. Then she and her mate could raise their daughter in safety.

It would all be okay.

A large crack rent the air, explosions soon following.

The woman whipped around, catching sight of the Home Tree.

It was on fire, broken, and it was...falling right towards her and her baby.

She made a strangled gasp and started running deeper into the forest. 

The tree was getting closer and closer. Bits of wood and other debris rained down. Dust and smoke choked the air and made it hard to breathe.

The woman stumbled over a tree root, twisting her ankle, her baby slipping out of her arms.

She cried out for her daughter and her mate, crawling through the underbrush, trying to find something, anything that would point her toward her daughter.

The tree fell before she could look any further, though.

She screamed as the enormous logs crushed her legs, arms, and chest. She screamed until she couldn't breathe, and darkness rushed into her vision.

"Aneya!" She gasped before her voice faded and everything went black.

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