All I See is Ocean

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We left two days later.

As Jake was the chief of the clan, he had to elect someone new to take his place.

He wouldn't be able to lead the clan if he was miles away.

They held the ceremony under the Tree of Souls, with the entire clan gathered to watch. Jake announced the new leader and the chief's mantle was lifted off of his shoulders and placed on the new leader.

I don't know who he picked. I don't care.

They did the whole ritual where the new leader "killed" the old one.

I heard Jake had to do that to become chief, but not to Neytiri's father. He did it to someone who was betrothed to her before Jake entered the picture. They both always get a sad look on their face when they talk about them, though.

Final words were said, the crowd parted for us, and we left. The other members were sobbing, some reaching out to touch our arms in final goodbyes. Others looked on, tears trickling from their eyes.

Two days earlier, Jake and Neytiri approached Ralu and I and asked if we wanted to go with them. They offered to let us stay but we both refused. Neither of us had anywhere else to go and we didn't know anyone else. So here we were, leaving our home and birthplace for Ewya how long.

Jake led us, looking more than ready to just leave and get it over with. Neytiri was trying not to sob as we walked to our Ikrans, clutching Tuk by the hand. Neteyam was next, then me, Ralu, and Kiri. Lo'ak trailed after us, looking sullen.

I held my head high and my face blank, refusing to let any emotions betray my inner turmoil. I mounted Aretha and took off into the sky.


We flew for several days and nights, eventually leaving the mainland. After that, there was just ocean in all directions and the occasional island.

All of us had brown woven cloaks around our shoulders and our things packed away in small chests or bags on our Ikran's backs.

Jake and Neytiri made sure we flew in formation, calling to us in yips and whistles.

We didn't interact much outside of that. Once or twice, Ralu would make a joke to try and coax a smile out of someone, but none of us were in the mood so he eventually gave up. 

Tuk rode with Neytiri, as she was too young to have an Ikran of her own, but everyone else rode theirs.

We stopped to camp every two days or so.

Jake said it was because he wanted to find us another home fast, but that didn't fool us.

We knew he wanted to get as far away from the approaching threats as fast as possible.

We flew through all kinds of weather, good and bad.

One night, though, we had to camp in a small cave on an island cliff we had come across earlier.

We had stopped to rest, but an incoming storm kept us grounded and forced us to find shelter.

I sat on the cave floor with my back towards the wall, holding my hands out towards the fire.

This cave was deep enough and had a few corners so we weren't feeling the wind or ocean on us. We could still smell the salt and hear the wind howl, though.

Neytiri handed me a few small fish on a stick that she had caught and roasted.

Jake had set up our sleeping area, not finding any leaves or suitable plants, so he made it out of our blankets and thicker clothing.

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