The SkyPeople's Puppets in Our Play

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I stretched out on the grass, sighing happily. After the raid a few weeks back, giving almost everyone heart attacks, we decided to rest and recuperate for a while.

Lo'ak and Kiri were visiting Kiri's biological mother with Spider today. I think it really helped Kiri. Tuk was at home, as was Neteyam. Ralu was somewhere near me. I could hear him shout profanities at the butterflies as they landed on him.

I just couldn't stand relaxing in the stronghold right now. I needed to get out and feel dirt under my toes instead of rock.

I missed the swaynivi. I missed waking up and going to the river and hanging out in the sun. But mostly, I missed the Home Tree.

I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes.

This was nice.


I felt someone shaking my shoulder. I sprung to my feet, knife at the ready. I always kept weapons on me, especially after the unexpected attack on Home Tree by the SkyPeople.

It wasn't an enemy, though. It was just Neteyam. And Ralu.

Both boys jumped out of reach of my blade just as I slashed it forward.

"Aneya! It's me!"

"Great Mother, you almost slashed my perfect face!"

I quickly sheathed my knife, glaring at them.

"Well, that's what you get for waking me up from my beauty sleep." I grumped.

Neteyam rolled his eyes and helped me to my feet. Ralu gave me a small shove with his hip, ignoring my hiss of protest.

"Jake and Neytiri were wondering if you wanted to go flying with us?"

I nodded enthusiastically, forgetting my grumpiness, and grinned as I took off running into the forest.

"Last one, there is a rotten yovo fruit!" I called.

Neteyam growled playfully and gave chase. Ralu complained loudly before following behind.

I shrieked with laughter as Neteyam swiped at my sides, only missing by an inch.

He smirked and reached out to tickle me, tackling me to the forest floor.

"Who's the mighty warrior now? Come on, say it," He taunted as he pinned me to the ground. My ears flicked back, and I felt my cheeks redden. It wasn't the joke that was bothering me, though. The 'mighty warrior' joke has been repeated several times throughout our friendship, so why was I suddenly flustered?

"What the hell, guys?" Ralu asked, breathlessly. He had finally caught up to us. I glanced up at him.

 Was it my imagination, or was the look Ralu was giving the back of Neteyam's head slightly darker than usual?

"Never," I said breathlessly, ignoring my flaming cheeks (and Ralu), I swiftly detangled my limbs from Neteyam's, before running off into the forest again.

"See you later, you rotten yovos!" I cackled.

I could hear twigs snapping behind me as the boys sprinted after me, which only made me run harder.

I called Aretha, connected the bond, and flew into the clouds.

I could hear the wingbeats of Neteyam's Ikran, Leontios, and Ralu's Ikran, Evren, behind me.


I touched down at the stronghold first, looking back and giving both boys a triumphant smirk.

Ralu shoved my shoulder with a small growl as all three of us went to find Jake and Neytiri to fly.

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