Chapter 7: Battle Trials

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All Might explained that they would be doing combat training and lead the whole class to Grounds B, where the practical portion of the entrance exams were. Atsushi and Akutagawa were afraid that they might have a disadvantage as they didn’t take the entrance exams, but they quickly realized that the students didn’t pay much attention to their surroundings, and Grounds B is a miniature city which the two were used to fighting in. All Might told them to go get changed into their hero costumes, which the two mafiosos were nervous about. Neither felt comfortable changing in front of the students and they also weren’t sure their costumes would fit in, they didn’t do much research into hero costumes before designing theirs (with the help of Yasano and Chuuya) and from what they had seen, they were very different from everyday clothing in most cases. The two followed the rest of the male students into the boy’s changing room, but they just stood in front of their lockers, occasionally sparing glances at the other students to see if they’d left yet. In the commotion of multiple conversations going on at once, Kirishima managed to notice the two just standing there, he was already dressed in his hero costume, but decided to linger anyways.
“Hey! Atsushi! Why aren’t you two changing?” innocence and curiosity led Kirishima to ask.
“Personal reasons.” Atsushi said, quietly.
Kirishima nodded, intending to let it go, but then Mineta said “What kinda personal reasons?” wiggling his eyebrows up and down.
Atsushi just looked at him, confused. “Personal reasons I don’t wish to share.”
Mineta just huffed, upset that his ‘joke’ didn’t reach the boy.
“Why do you want to know so bad?” Akutagawa suddenly asked, walking over to be next to Atsushi.
“I was just curious, no need to get all mad.” Mineta said, backing away with his hands up. Mineta, like most of the class, was creeped out by Akutagawa.
“Just hurry up and get dressed, we're all men here, nothing most of us ain’t seen before.” Bakugou butted in
“Are you sure you wanna see, since you’re all so curious?” Atsushi asked, a bit of amusement seeped from his words and his eyes narrowed a bit. In moments like these, Akutagawa always remembered that the weretiger had also once been under Dazai and had picked up some of his worse habits.
“Only if you’re comfortable, man. You seemed really uncomfortable even talking about it earlier.” Kirishima said, hoping to lighten the tension in the air, only to be ignored.
“It can’t be THAT bad.” Bakugou said back. Most of the boys were now looking back and forth at the two.
Atsushi nodded, smiling “You’re right, it's not that bad.” then added in a whisper to Akutagawa, “It’s horrible.”
Akutagawa whispered back, “I can do it, your scars are worse than mine.”
Atsushi shook his head, “Then they’ll see THAT, and it could ruin the mission, especially if they ask questions.” Akutagawa just lowered his head and unconsciously brought a hand up to feel the faint scar on his neck, the very same one that had ended his life just a couple months ago. Atsushi chuckled and raised a hand to Akutagawa’s face, cupping his cheek, “I guess we’ll both need some time later, huh?” Akutagawa nodded his head.
Atsushi pulled away from Akutagawa, the stares of the other students still on them, and Atsushi took a deep breath and began to pull off his shirt. As he slowly lifted it off, the others could see exactly why Atsushi didn't want to change with them in the room. His torso was littered in scars, ranging from long ones from whips to burns, to deep and shallow cuts that had healed. His arms were also covered in scars from cuts and burns and a tiger-like pattern scar was on his forearms. Many of their classmates turned away at the sight, unable to look any longer.
Atsushi smiled a bit, before turning to Bakugou “They aren’t that bad, right?” The tiger boy felt triumphant, but anxiety was poking at the surface, threatening to spill. This stunt was reliant on their classmates asking little to no questions, but that they would instead confide this new information with their teachers. Putting on a ‘poor abused kid’ ‘act’ would hopefully make their teachers more trusting of them, though it could also get them put in counseling which they do don't need. Lying and manipulating heroes and students was pretty much the whole mission, what was a little more going to do? The only thing they really had to lie about was having gone to counseling before, which they could have Kunikida verify, and Dazai could probably fake some papers to prove it as well. Atsushi was no Dazai, his plans weren’t nearly as fool proof nor thought out, but he had been around manipulative and cunning men enough to pick up a couple bad habits from them. Though he didn’t look it, Atsushi was almost constantly scheming, whether it be ways to raise his pay in the mafia, or something as trivial as a conversation. Once most of the boys had left the room, Atsushi continued changing, his hero costume was similar to what he wore at the ADA with a couple modifications, he still had a jacket like his new PM uniform but this one had more pockets where he could put weapons, the gloves he used to wear had also been removed and his pants were now a higher quality fabric that would be able to stretch so that he could transform his legs without ruining his pants. Akutagawa’s hero costume was pretty different from his PM attire, it had a gray coat that covered a black dress shirt and black pants with gray stripes that ended at his calves, which were covered by black stockings. Akutagawa had made a disgruntled noise after seeing his hero costume for the first time that Atsushi had slightly laughed at before being shut up by a glare. They walked out together, earning a few stares from the girls and the boys mostly avoided their eyes due to the scene in the changing room.
All Might had noticed the tension between the boys, but reserved to ignore it until he could ask young Midoriya about it later. All Might continued on and began to explain what they were going to be doing. Reading from note cards he had, he explained that the class was going to be split into teams and two would face off against one another. One as a team of ‘villains’ protecting a bomb, and the other a team of heroes that are trying to stop the villains. The teams were random and decided by a drawing of sorts. Hearing that, Atsushi decided to up the acting and began to cling onto Akutagawa’s arm
“Jinko, what are you doing?” Akutagawa whispered, glaring at Atsushi.
“Making them feel bad for us.” Akutagawa just gave him a confused look, and Atsushi rolled his eyes before continuing. “They’re more likely to not suspect us if they think we’re inseparable, I’m just gonna play up my trauma.”
Akutagawa sighed, “You are becoming more like Dazai each day.”
Atsushi giggled at his partners and tightened his hold on Akutagawa’s arm, then turned towards their teacher, who was about to begin drawing the teams.
“All Might?” Atsushi spoke up, the Pro looked at him, confused.
“What is it, Young Nakajima?” All Might asked, now looking in his direction, the rest of the class also curious as to what the boy was going to say.
Atsushi stepped closer to Akutagawa, faking discomfort at their stares. “I was wondering if me and Akutagawa could work together? I understand it would be unfair since we’ve done it before, but I don’t wanna be separated from him.” Atsushi let his voice trail off, muttering the last few words. Akutagawa just stood there, his face stoic if not for the creeping blush on his cheeks, only nodding at All Might once Atsushi had finished talking.
All Might was unsure of what to say, he had no formal training as a teacher and wasn’t prepared to be asked such a compromise, but he made a decision nonetheless.
After a beat of silence the Pro hero responded “I’ll allow it, but you two will have to play the villain.”
Atsushi nodded enthusiastically, a bright smile working its way onto his face “That's fine! Thanks!” All Might’s compromise actually benefited the boys, they were quite used to ‘playing’ the villain, seeing as they were probably the closest thing Yokohama had to villains.
All Might returned the boys smile before continuing to draw names, with the teams set up, the games began.
The first teams to go were team A vs. team D, Deku and Uraraka vs. Bakugou and Ida. When team A entered the building, Bakugou met them with a surprise attack, which damaged some of Deku’s hero costume, the two boys continued to yell at each other while Uraraka snuck away down a hall. Deku and Bakugou continued to fight, Bakugou getting angrier the longer the fight dragged on. It got to a point where Atsushi was questioning why All Might was letting this fight drag on, it was obvious Bakugou had the intent to harm Deku yet no one else seemed to notice, or maybe they didn’t care. Their classmates were just occasionally offering praises to certain moves they did, none mentioning how Bakugou wasn’t holding back in the slightest. The fight ends with Deku using his quirk to blow a hole into the ceiling so Uraraka can use her quirk to fend off Ida and win the match. Deku ended up being rushed to the nurses office, and Bakugou looked out of it, distraught over losing to Deku. All Might had to comfort Bakugou before the class could begin the critique. Ida was declared the MVP of the match as Bakugou and Deku’s large ranged attacks were foolish for an inside setting, and Urakaka was reckless. Atsushi had to agree, close combat was most suitable for inside settings as it would lead to less destruction, and although they had eventually made it there, they had already blown up a wall and tore a hole through the building. Such recklessness wouldn’t fly in the mafia, but it could be fixed, Bakugou certainly didn’t seem to be all that hero-like, and Atsushi planned to use that against him one day. Though, Atsushi knew better than to assume, he supposes that Bakugou is dead set on becoming a hero, despite his attitude, which was likely a result of how he was treated as a child. It amazes Atsushi how many people think that constantly showing a child with praise because of a flashy quirk would only hinder them as they grew, any sort of praise could lose its effects, or they could crave that praise so desperately that they worked themselves to the bone trying to get it. The child might also grow up to be so confident in their abilities that they undermine every opponent they come across, Bakugou being a prime example. Atsushi was thinking of the different ways he could attempt to get Bakugou to join the mafia when Rashoumon hit him on his head.
Atsushi jumped, glaring at Rashoumon’s user “What was that for?”
Akutagawa looked at him, his face still aloof, “We are not here for recruitment, weretiger, so stop thinking about it.” Atsushi just grumbled and looked away from his partner.
Two more matches took place before it was their turn, they were up against Todoroki and Sato. Todoroki was one of the students that got in on recommendation as his father was the #2 hero, his quirk was ice and fire. Sato’s quirk is Sugar Rush, a power amplifying ability. Atsushi and Akutagawa had already set up inside the building, they were on the top floor with the bomb, and Rashoumon at the ready. When the ice came, they were prepared and Rashoumon lifted them both out of the way of the ice. Todoroki was surprised that they had managed to dodge his attack, but quickly regained his composure and began to make his way to the top floor, Sato following behind him. Sato had already activated his quirk by the time they got to the top floor and they started their offensive right away. Todoroki shot a glacier of ice at them, which Rashoumon ate before tying up Todoroki, Akutagawa just leaned against the bomb and coughed into his hand. Atsushi had transformed both of his arms into the tigers and was fighting Sato, Sato didn’t last long as he had sheer power, but his technique was lacking. The fight was over within a minute, both people on the hero’s side were captured by the villains, making Atsushi and Akutagawa the winners. They all made their way back up to the area where everyone else was watching, all four immediately being showered with praise from their classmates.
All Might cleared his throat to get the class to quiet down, “Now, who do you think was the MVP here?”
A couple classmates muttered amongst themselves before Momo spoke up.
“I think that Akutagawa was the MVP of this match, his quirk is the reason the two were not captured immediately by Todoroki, and he also was the one who took out the more dangerous opponent. It was also apparent that Todoroki and Sato didn’t have a backup plan if Todoroki’s ice failed considering how unorganized they were when fighting the two.”
All Might smiled, “Great analysis! I agree that young Akutagawa is the MVP for this match.”
Atsushi scoffed quietly, resuming his position clinging to Akutagawa’s arm “Like you did any of the planning.”
Akutagawa just looked at Atsushi, “I didn’t think a plan was necessary to beat inexperienced teenagers.”
Atsushi hummed “It's not, but it’s practice for when it's not inexperienced teenagers, plus a plan makes it look way more effortless.”
“We’re not supposed to stand out.” Akutagawa said, Atsushi only huffed as a response.
The rest of the battle trials went on, none necessarily noteworthy. Akutagawa was hardly paying attention and Atsushi was just glancing up at the camera every once in a while, no students were suspicious yet, but some could definitely be ruled out. Once all the trials finished, they changed out of their hero costumes before returning to class, this time, no one questioned their reluctance to change infront of everyone. The day went on as normal after they returned to class, the two leaving a couple minutes after the bell rang and meeting up with Kunikida and Tanizaki at the school gate.
“Can you let go now?” Akutagawa had asked Atsushi.
“Nope!” We need to keep the act up!” Atsushi replied, tightening his hold, Akutagawa just sighed.
“What do you guys even do?” Atsushi asked upon walking up to the two ‘heroes’, still clinging to Akutagawa’s arm.
“We’ve been teaching class B some close combat, but other than that, paperwork.” Tanizaki said, exasperated.
Atsushi laughed a little. “Sounds boring. We had battle trials today!”
“Please tell me you didn’t stand out.” Kunikida said, glaring at the boys.
“We might’ve, just a little.” Atsushi said.
Kunikida sighed and looked at Akutagawa, an eyebrow raised in question. “We beat one of the strongest students within a minute.” he replied.
Kunikida just sighed again and brought his hand up to his head. “I can’t believe you two.”
“Also!” Atsushi piped up, “You might need to say that me and Akutagawa have been to therapy before.”
“Why?” Kunikida demanded, “What have you been doing?”
“Well,” Atsushi started to explain “Some kids were being annoying about me and Akutagawa not changing in the locker room, so I might've taken my shirt off to show them why.”
Kunikida grumbled, “I’ll make Dazai fake the documents.”
“Great! Thanks Kunikida!” Atsushi said, smiling.
“Why do I have a feeling you guys went off script…” Tanizaki said, accusingly.
“We have.” Atsushi confirmed, “I’ll send you guys the details later.”
The four continued to walk home, chatting about whatever. Atsushi never once let go of Akutagawa’s arm, still playing his role for the person following them. Once inside their apartment, Atsushi finally let go of Akutagawa’s arm and they changed into more comfortable clothes. Atsushi had changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt, whereas Akutagawa had on an expensive silk set of pajamas. They sat down on the couch together, Akutagawa’s laptop on the table in front of them.
“Who else can we rule out?” Akutagawa asked.
“Maybe you should've been paying attention in class today and you’d know.” Atsushi said, sarcasm evident in his voice.
Akutagawa just rolled his eyes.
“Anyway,” Atsushi continued. “Ida, Momo, Mina, and Uraraka, they all tend to wear their emotions on their sleeve and they seem pretty determined to be a hero.”
“Just them?” Akutagawa asked.
“Yes, if you’re unhappy with the results then maybe you should’ve been watching them too. We’ve only gone to UA for two days, it's a miracle we already have five eliminated.” Atsushi replied, tired of doing their work.
Akutagawa sighed and closed the laptop, opting to work on it more later with or without his partner's help. Atsushi snickered before throwing himself onto Akutagawa, his head nuzzled into his chest and arms wrapped around his waist.
“Never thought you’d be one for physical affection.” Akutagawa remarked.
Atsushi just hummed, nuzzling further into Akutagawa’s chest. They ended up falling asleep on the couch while cuddling.

A/N - This chapter took a while, and was a little rushed at parts so, sorry if the writing is weird in some places. Also the fight scene might be garbage, but it’s my first time writing one so I suppose it's a start? I really don’t have much to say about this chapter, but I’m writing this on the 17th, which is my birthday, so happy birthday to me! I’m officially 15! Which means I can now quote Chuuya whenever someone insults me based on my height :) Anyways, have a good day/night!

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