1| I'll Be There

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[POV; Conan]

- Leave it over there.- I said, as I signalled the guys from the moving truck.

- Are you sure? There's only some boxes left.- One of them said.

- No, I insist. It's fine. We'll finish ourselves.- I said, moving my hands- How much was it?-

I got close to the truck, so I could paid them for the service. After all, it was a troublesome trip starting from my parent's house, then the furniture shed from where we bought some stuff from, and then Dai's apartment, just to get all our things.

- Thanks man. Let's get the last boxes out of the truck.- He said.

I helped them take the boxes out of the truck, and placed them next to the door.

Dai should be here, anytime soon. He's still caught up at work.

- That's all.- The man said, as he closed the back of the truck.

- Thanks.- I said, as I put my hair into a small ponytail- I'll handle from here.-

- Well, alright.- He said, as he patted my back- Good luck and congratulations.-

I said goodbye and thanked them, to go back to carrying the boxes inside the house.

I honestly can't believe we could afford to buy a house for ourselves. But well, here we are.
It's scary how big this step is, moving in together. It's not like we didn't spend all our days together before, but owning a house together is so much different.

As I finished with the boxes, I closed the front door, and stared at the place. There was furniture and boxes everywhere. I let out a big sigh, as I sat down on the floor.

After some minutes I stared into the total mess, I heard knocking on the door. I stood up, figuring it must be Dai. I gently opened the door, looking down at, indeed, him.

- Woah, are they gone already?- He said, surprised, as he walked inside.

- Yeah, they were fast.- I said, closing the door.

He stared at the house, and then looked at me.

- Here comes the worst part.- He sighed, with tired eyes.

I gently pinched his cheek, as I smiled.

- We have the whole day to do it, have you had lunch?- I said.

He opened his eyes, as he placed one hand on his abdomen.

- Now that you say so, no I haven't.- He said.

- Want to go look around the block?- I asked, hoping we could delay the furniture arrangement any longer.

- Well, we need energy to start. Let's go!- He patted my arm, as he grabbed his fanny pack, and placed it on his chest.

After walking around the block, we noticed we couldn't find a single shop or restaurant.

- Ugh... It's a real pain living far from the city.- Dai sighed, annoyed- Where are all the shops?!-

- Hm.- I looked around, as I held my phone, searching on the internet.

- Whatever, let's head back.- He said, grabbing his stomach- I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.-

- Let's order take out then.- I said, putting my phone back on my pocket, and staring at him.

- Do you think the restaurant's delivery reaches here?- He said, hopeless, like a little kid.

- Don't be ridiculous, we only live twenty minutes away from the city...- I said, raising an eyebrow.

- We're country people now.- He smiled, and turned around to start heading back home.

𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙮 𝘿𝙤𝙜𝙨 (s2): Modern CrusadersWhere stories live. Discover now