11| Sheer Heart Attack

4 1 37

[POV: Rune]

- We have Donovan in the mornings now. God, I miss Harper.- Bob complained, as he got outside of the car.

Friday evening, we were already home. Poor Carter had to stay to finish some paperwork before he could catch up with us at home. I made Bob carry all the groceries upstairs.

- And the worst part is that he doesn't even try to get along with us!- He kept ranting about who knows what, because I stopped listening some minutes ago.

Assuming it was Conan, I was reminded of the scene I caught a glimpse of yesterday.

- He seemed proud of you at the shooting range, yesterday.- I said, as I started loading the fridge with the things we just bought.

- You saw that?!- He asked, as he got close to me- Why were you there?-

- I wanted to take a peek.- I smirked, and closed the fridge.

- Thank god I managed to fire that shot. If not, I would've never heard the end of it...- He sighed, and sat down at the table.

Nodding to that, I kept organising the kitchen, until he spoke again.

- Can I ask you something?- He asked.

- Sure.- I said, and turned to see him.

- You... and Carter. Why do you two live together?- He asked, with a devilish smile.

- We don't live together. Sometimes he stays here.- I corrected him.

- And why does he do that...?- He pressed harder.

- Why do you think he does that.- I said, annoyed.

- Is he your boyfriend?!- He exclaimed.

- No, not really.- I said, slapping the back of his head.

- But there's something between you two?- He asked.

- Ugh... yes.- I confessed.

His eyes lit up with excitement, for some reason.

- Everyone in the squad keeps saying Carter is dating Harper, but I knew that wasn't it! I knew he was your man!- Bob said, proudly.

- They're saying what?- I scoffed- Harper and Carter? Don't tell Carter that, you'll drive him to suicide.-

- That's what I thought.- Bob chuckled.

Some time later, I remembered we had to organise my study to fit the air mattress Bob would sleep on. After dragging Bob away from his console, we started moving the boxes and piling them up to the side of the room, next to my desk.

- We're done!- Bob exclaimed.

As he said that, the tall pile of boxes tumbled to the side, comically spreading all its contents around the floor. We stayed silent for some seconds, as I grabbed my head.

- ... That wasn't my fault.- Bob said, intensely staring at me.

- Help me fetch everything inside again.- I sighed, already wanting to punch a hole in the wall.

We sat down on the floor, to start picking up the dozens of notebooks that flew outside the boxes. Before I could realise, I caught a glimpse of Bob going through a photo album.

- What are you doing?- I said, as I quickly took the album from his hands.

- Is this you as a kid?- He asked, amused, and placed his finger on top of the picture.

I stared at it, realising it was a picture of me on my first day of kindergarten, back in Norway. I nodded.

- Let me see more!- He said, and sat down next to me, expecting me to start flipping the pages.

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