9| What You Know

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[POV; Rune]

- Okay, here we are.- I said, as I stopped the car.

Robert looked both sides, and exited the car. I followed him, and locked it.
The two of us walked inside the building, and headed for my office.

- Okay, so I just need to pick you up every weekend? You won't be home until then.- I said, opening the door to my office.

- Exactly, ideally.- He said, behind me.

- Fine.- I said, after leaving my stuff on the desk- Come on, go away before anyone sees you here.-

- Why am I a secret to you?!- He exclaimed, dramatically.

- You're not, I just haven't told Carter yet...- I said, and scratched the back of my neck.

- You know Carter?- He said, surprised.

- Yes, yes I know him. I know him a lot.- I replied.

- Really?!- He said, excited.

- I know the three of them, your sergeants. Conan, Harper and Carter. We did the service together. And well, Conan and I have been best friends since high school.- I explained.

- Huh? You're friends with Conan? That's weird...- He said, suddenly taken back.

- He's like a brother to me. Why?- I said, confused.

- No way! You're lying, there's no way you two are friends!- He fought back.

I stared at him, even more confused.

- What?- He said- You two are nothing alike.-

Is that so? I would say we're rather similar.

- Why is that?- I asked.

- I don't know... Conan is so mean. You're pretty nice, you let me stay in your house.- He confessed.

- Conan is mean?- I said, starting to laugh- And I'm nice?-

- Yes!- He said.

I started laughing so hard I had to sit down on the desk. Instants later, he got mad at me for laughing too much.

- What?!- He shouted.

- Nothing, nothing... It's just, it's the complete opposite. I'm the asshole and he's the sweetheart.- I said.

- No, you're lying. Did I tell you he hates me? That's why you're messing with me?- He said, paranoid.

- You didn't. He hates you?- I asked, interested.

He looked both sides, and then sighed.

- He hates everyone, to be honest. He always rolls his eyes when we ask him things. And he punishes us with extra sets...- He said.

After he said that, some knocks were heard on the door.

- Rune?- Carter called from the other side of the door.

- Oh, no!- Bob whispered, and stood still- He's going to scold me for wandering around!-

- Hold on, hold on.- I whispered back, as I patted his shoulder and walked up to the door.

I slowly opened it, and walked out of the office. Closing the door behind me.

- How did you know I was here?- I asked him, happy to see him.

He smiled, and slid his hand behind my back.

- Saw your car in the parking lot.- He confessed.

- I see.- I said, and placed a hand on his waist.

𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙮 𝘿𝙤𝙜𝙨 (s2): Modern CrusadersWhere stories live. Discover now