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Hi Daddy,

Everything is fine for now. I've just landed in Outer Banks and I'm about to meet Topper and Mother. I love you very much and I will letter you again soon.

Take care,


The door opens and a girl can finally feel summery air on her face. She looks around the airport, standing at the top of jet stairs. She looks really pretty, wind blowing her long, blonde hair in multiple directions. She seems to find what she's been looking for when she smiles broadly and waves at a boy standing nearby. The boy also grins as he starts walking towards her.

"Topper!" She shouts, going down the stairs.

"Oh my gosh Maddie! You have grown!" Boy says as his sisters hugs him tightly. "What are you now? Like 4'4?" He teases.

"Shut up!" Girl replies, jokingly hitting him on the shoulder.

Madison in fact wasn't very tall but her personality most definitely was making up for that. She was about 5'4 and had pretty curvy figure, unlike Topper. Besides that, she and her brother looked almost identical. Blue, piercing eyes, straight nose, full lips and of course blonde hair. Although Maddie's hair was slightly lighter than Topper's, they couldn't deny the similarity. Did I mention they were twins?

"How did the flight go?" Topper asks as he puts his sister suitcase in the back of his car.

"Honestly, I slept through most of it so I guess it was pretty good." She chuckles.

Lier. She was up all night worrying about what will the future bring. Everyone thought that she was here only for holidays. To relax, have fun, rebond with family and take a little break from her father. Well, that wasn't the truth. She was here to complete a task. Her father gave her job to do and she knew she couldn't let him down. She also should do this without rising any suspicions.

Girl sighs as she gets into her brother's car and takes her phone out since she can finally turn off the airplane mode. Immediately, multiple notifications pop up, most of them being messages from her friends.

Miss you already..

you won't believe what that bitch did
call me

*molly sent 3 photos

my place.

Enjoy your holidays :)

Madison rolls her eyes, reading them briefly. Shortly after she just locks her phone again, not bothered to answer any of them.

"You're gonna love the house." Topper says, drawing her attention as they're leaving the airport. "We've recently got a new pool and I also have a small surprise for you.." He adds mysteriously.

"Surprise?" She asks looking at him clearly interested. "What is it?"

"Maddie I can't tell you. It's called surprise for a reason." He answers smiling slightly as he rolls his eyes.

"Come on! You can't just tell me that and expect me not to ask! You know how nosy I am." She mentions clearly upset.

"Pleeease?" She adds, hoping that might convince him.

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