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Rafe. Fucking. Cameron.

Topper unfortunately forgot to mention this slight detail. Or maybe he did that on purpose because he knew girl wouldn't wanna go with Rafe.

"Hii!" Cheerful greetings can be heard from Sarah as Maddie finally stops staring at Rafe and turns her gaze to mentioned girl.

Blonde gets into the car but before she can fully step in boy drives off, causing girl to basically fall on the back seat. She immediately looks up at him and their eyes meet in the driving mirror. Rafe doesn't seem to be very happy with her presence as he shamelessly gives her a death stare. Maddie on the other hand refuses to look at him any longer as she rolls her eyes in annoyance, pissed at his childish behavior.

Lovely as always.

It's gonna be a long night..

When she looks at Sarah, girl gives her brother a side eye but doesn't comment on his behavior in any way.

"Hi Sarah.." Maddie eventually replies with a sigh.

"Hey, I don't think we've met. I'm Kelce." The other boy speaks for the first time, drawing her attention.

He has black skin, pretty brown eyes and sincere smile on his face. He's dressed in green polo shirt witch nicely highlights his muscles and colorful swimming shorts. He looks great and even Maddie herself has to admit he's quite handsome.

"Madison." Girl answers eyeing the boy with flirty smile on her face.

"So, infamous Thornton finally came back home.. Why's that?" Kelce asks, teasing.

"Oh wow, infamous? That's new." She says chuckling a little. "Topper do you really have such a boring life that you have to dig up dirt on your poor, little sister?" She adds, now turning to her brother and giving him pity look.

"It is what it is." He shrugs, smiling.

"Well, after all you're the long lost Kook Princess. People are gonna gossip anyway." Kelce comments.

The ride goes smoothly as Maddie, Sarah and Kelce chat about the party while Rafe and Topper talk about some more important stuff until the Cameron boy decides to cut a corner. When Kelce and Topper manage to keep their balance by grabbing the handles, Sarah and Maddie unfortunately can't say the same. This sudden turn results in both girls thrown against the side door of the car. The only difference is that the blonder one of them hit her head against the window while amortizing the impact for the other girl with her own body.

"Shit!" Madison yells as she grabs her head in pain.

"What the hell Rafe?!" Sarah shouts at boy who doesn't seem to care at all. Quite the opposite, you can see slight smirk on his face.

"Are you okay?" Topper asks worryingly, turning to face the girls.

"Yeah I'll live.." Madison replies, still holding her head. The collision wasn't super hard but nevertheless the hurting spot is most definitely gonna turn into a bump in a few days.

"But who the fuck gave this idiot a license?!" She comments enraged. Although Madison doesn't know if this was intentional or not, at this point she truly has enough of him. She can't be in his presence even for five minutes for him not to hurt or insult her in some way.

"If you don't like something, you're more then welcome to get the fuck out." Cameron boy snaps back, looking at her with disgust through the driving mirror again.

"Cut it out bro, she's right. You drive as if you have another life." Topper tells him off, still looking at both girls to make sure everything is fine.

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