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Maddie eventually looks up to see the face of whoever has just grabbed her.

Rafe. Fucking. Cameron.

His face doesn't really show any emotions but you can certainly feel his anger in the air. He has his typical polo shirt and some shorts on. He doesn't look like he's been sleeping at all. His hair falls messily over his forehead but somehow it looks really good on him. His pupils are dilated and overall he looks rather intimidating.

Immediately after their eyes meet Rafe tightens his grip on Madison's arm and begins to drag her out of the corridor. She almost falls multiple times but he doesn't seem to care as he only quickens his pace. Maddie has no idea where is he taking her as the house is almost completely consumed by darkness. She also has no idea why would he think he was allowed to drag her like that. Girl wants to hit him or at least scream at him but she knows she can't. It would not only drawn Mr. Cameron's attention but would probably also woken up everyone else in the house.

Girl tries to wrench herself free of his grip but fails miserably and almost falls again. Boy doesn't seem to be fazed by that as he walks continuously not even bothered to look at her. His hand now causes Maddie so much pain that she has to bite insides of her mouth so as not to make any sound. Suddenly boy takes another corner and both of them are now in a different hallway which seems to be a dead end. Immediately after that Rafe stops, yanking the girl even more. He then lets go of Maddie's arm but at the same time he pushes her backwards so aggressively that her back heavily collides with the wall.

The impact was so strong and sudden that the girl can't seem to catch a breath. She inertly leans back against the wall desperately grabbing her chest as if it could help her get any more air. Feeling like she was about to suffocate she slowly slides down the wall when all of the sudden her airways open, allowing her to breathe again. She immediately drops to her knees coughing and gasping while holding her throat for a good minute.

As she sits there miserable, memories start to flood her mind.

It was a hot and sunny day on the island and both Thornton's and Cameron's decided to take a trip to the popular playground in Figure Eight. While Sarah and Topper were nicely playing on the seesaw, Maddie and Rafe raced to the biggest swing. The boy was stopped by other kids running in front of him and somehow Madison first sat on the installation.

"I was first! I was first!" Girl yelled excitedly, when the boy finally came up to her. "I won! You lost!" She continued to make fun of him while sticking out her tongue.

Rafe looked like he was on the edge of a tantrum. Maddie swinging on his favourite swing making his blood boil. His body tensed, brows furrowed and lips tighten. Her laughter making his gaze even more furious.

Suddenly his body relaxed again as a strange gleam showed up in his eyes. "Fine. You won." Boy smiled innocently as he spoke. "I can push you if you want."

Girl eagerly nodded her head, agreeing to his offer. At that point she should have known something was wrong. Rafe wasn't the type to just give up on something he wanted and she was aware of that but in that moment she was so happy that she managed to outran him that her thinking wasn't clear.

Boy stood behind her and begun to push her gently. The swing was moving higher and higher with every push, making Maddie giggle happily.

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