Chapter 36 - seeing him again

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A/N - before I continue writing firstly let me apologise for my lack of updates recently and secondly let me put something out there very clearly. A lot of people ask me about Draco and Cleo.
Cleo is cousins to Bellatrix, Bellatrix is Draco's aunt, therefore they are distantly related. Hence why I didn't spark a romance between them, also because she is very loyal to George. Draco is more of Cleo's younger brother sort of, she is very protective of him and they kind of grew a bond in Hogwarts once Draco started acting oddly. So there you are, the only reason why I explained this is because I had a lot of messages on wattpad and tumblr asking about Cleo and Draco. :) please continue with the story now!

Cleo's POV
I disapperate to see they've already made the move, heading to where Harry used to live no doubt.
That's where I disapperate next anyways, I wonder forwards and I catch them just by the graveyard. I pull my hood up and over my head, covering my face I also wear a pair of glasses that make me seem completely different, it has the same effect as an invisibility cloak. My parents gave me when I was younger and I thought I lost them but when I moved into the Weasleys many months ago I found them. I thought they have always been better than poly juice but I can't control what I look like.
"Hermione, it's me, Cleo." I whisper as I approach Hermione.
"Where have you been?" Hermione clasps me on my arm staring at me almost in disbelief of my undercover disguise, I try and loosen her grip as I keep my voice to a low whisper.
"No where, what do you think your doing walking around freely like Harry isn't wanted by death eaters?!" I ask,
"Harry insisted on not being someone else tonight" Hermione informs me. "Also I just realised it was Christmas Eve and that's why we are here. Harry just asked about his parents graves and now you showed up" Hermione explains hurriedly, I nod my head once before making my way forwards.
"Well do you want to find out?" I raise my eyebrows at Harry questioningly.
We carefully make our way in and out the graves searching for Harry's parents names.
Hermione catches my attention when she calls over to Harry, I turn to stare at Harry but he's found something. Someone. His parents graves.
I shuffle towards him and stand beside him, Hermione creates a bouquet of flowers for them.
Harry sniffles wiping away tears that dare to fall,
"Merry Christmas Hermione, Merry Christmas Cleo." Harry doesn't remove his eyes from the grave stone.
"Merry Christmas Harry." Both me and Hermione respond back to Harry, Hermione moves forward enclosing her arm around him comfortingly, I keep my distance. The aching guilt constantly reminds me I'm working for the devil himself, the man who killed Harry's parents, the man who wants to kill Harry himself.
Suddenly a chilling sensation tumbles down my spine, I purposely try to casually turn my neck to face the direction where I feel we are being watched.
I take a step forward and take hold of Harry's hand before leaning in.
"Guys there's someone watching us. By the church." I mutter as quietly as I can.
Harry and Hermione both turn to look cautiously, Harry admits he knows whom that is.
Then insists on following her, a warning feeling on my arm tells me I shouldn't.
"Harry it's a trick." I whisper, Harry refuses to believe then follows her anyways.
I keep my distance from the moment they stand outside Harry's old home to the moment they enter an old house where the woman obviously lives.
Once loud banging and yells erupt I spring into action, I run inside to see Hermione fire blast Nagini then grab both their arms before I disapperate.
We make up camp again doing the same routine and Hermione explains what happened inside, thank god I wore a disguise otherwise that horrid Snake would've ratted me out to the dark lord.
When I wake in the morning, I notice I'm alone. However I can hear the quiet chit-chat outside from the two, I pull up my sleeve to see the charm has faded.
I try placing it on again but it doesn't work, I try again, and again, and again.
I stare down at my wand then cast the charm on something different, it works perfectly fine that's when I try one last time. It doesn't hide it.
I start to panic, my chest rising up and down horrendously fast, my heart beats like a time bomb and I rub at my arm.
Why can't this mark just leave, why can't it just disappear like this was all some big dream.
I growl frustratedly and tears fill my eyes. I claw, scratch and push at the mark, the frustration leads to me bursting into tears.
I almost scream and my hair falls forward onto my face.
"Cleo, is everything alright?!" Hermione bolts forward I pull my sleeve down turning my back on her when she tries to come face to face with me.
"I'm fine, I just need some air." I push my way out of the tent, I take the locket from Harry and tell him he can have the night shift.
As soon as the locket hits my chest I feel worse, even so I take my anger and frustration out on a nearby tree.
I stay with the locket a good hour until Harry practically rips it from me.
"Go inside, Clementine. Look at what you've done with the locket on!" Harry gestures towards my destruction, I face him desperation clearly in my eyes although I try not to show it.
"I'm so sorry, it's just...i can't...harry...George..." I stutter as my lower lip trembles.
Harry pulls me into him whilst I let it out,
"I thought you have been visiting them?" Harry asks, I nod my head which in fact is another lie.
I have always been so good at lying, dishonesty is one of my favourite traits when it comes to getting away with something but I hate with all my passion lying and hiding things from my friends. Especially my only close friends that I've ever had.
I pull away then head back towards the tent,
"I need to see the others, I have to go but I promise I'll be back." I tell her, she smiles at me before allowing me to go.
It takes a while but I soon find them, in hiding, like most of the Wizards and witches at the moment whom are against Voldemort.
"Clementine! My dear! Oh we've been so worried!" Molly rushes towards me wrapping her arms around me, I smile warmly at her and hug her back.
I then greet the others before Fred and George.
"Fred. George." I can't contain my happiness at this point, I run forward jumping into the twins arms.
They both hold me up and embrace me back tightly.
"We've missed you too." They say in unison, I pull away from Fred then press my lips against George's.
I entangle my arms around the back of his neck kissing George as if I haven't seen him in years. Although I have to pull myself upwards on my toes to reach him as always.
The only reason for my pulling backwards is because Fred clears his throat which causes me to turn bright red.
"How are you, where have you been?" Molly asks, I sigh and shake my head.
"Don't get me started because I'll never stop and I can only stay for an hour or so." I warn her, Molly is understanding but still pounds me with questions about how I am and if the others are okay, have I been eating etc. etc.
The whole time I catch up with the family I keep myself secure in George's arms.
An hour passes and I say my goodbyes, I don't mention anything on where I'm going no matter how much I'd like to.
I return to the camp around when it's dark with some snacks that I'm sure hermione and Harry will enjoy.
I walk towards the tent when suddenly I hear a large screeching noise appearing to be by the frozen over lake, I send the snacks to the tent before sprinting in that direction.
I stop to see a fake Harry and Hermione snogging. Ron on the floor with the Gryffindor sword.
"Ron! Grow some bullocks and get up! Get up!" I scream at the boy, that's when he snaps and goes straight in for it.
Destroying he horcrux.
"I was gone for a few hours!" I scream at the two,
"Well nice to see you again to." Ron grunts.

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