Chapter 26 - dragon

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The next couple of days I make a recovery and the front of the paper. I don't sleep at all and I don't speak.

I don't dare speak ever of what happened. I feel extremely bad for Molly and the Weasleys, the burrow was completely burnt down that night. Fortunately my mini dragon lived but most of the Weasley belongings didn't including the suits I bought for Fred and George.

I bought a large cage with exciting toys etc for my dragon so I could take him along back to Hogwarts.
Fortunately it won't take long to fix the burrow with magic so Molly promised I could come back in the summer.

On the last day as we were about to return on the train, we all had to say our farewells until next holiday.

"Bye Molly and Arthur, it was a pleasure I'm sorry about the burrow I'll try and dig some money out for you" I hug them both, Molly smiles and kisses my cheek.

"You already done a lot for our family, thank you clementine" Molly thanks me, I nod as Arthur nods at me.

I hug Fred tightly and he lifts me into the air.

"We'll see you soon, clem" Fred smiles then places me back on the ground.

"Bye Cleo" George hugs me tighter than before and whispers in my ear. "Stay out of trouble, I don't want to lose you like on Christmas ever again"

I kiss his lips and linger there for a few seconds before hermione calls me over to the train.

The next two weeks at Hogwarts went on as normal I didn't have any nightmares as well, no one mentioned what happened to me except Dumbledore of course. He checked if I were okay, I wasn't but I made him believe I was. The only difference to my days were that I had a dragon to look after.

One evening I took him outside and place him on the grass, he ran around and tried to fly then started to breath fire. I laugh as the tiny hand sized dragon pranced around but soon Draco interrupted us.

"Evening Draco" I murmur as Draco sits down beside me.

"Evening" he grumbles, edger, my dragon hid beside me away from Draco.

"I heard what happened with you and the death eaters" Draco mentions, I scoff.

"Hasn't everyone?" I face Draco and stare at his arm. "Draco, there's something your hiding and I need to know what" I demand,Draco shakes his head and his expression hardens.

"No, I can't and wouldn't tell you anyway" Draco rises to his feet. "You don't understand, perhaps it is best if you stay away from now on. If all you care about is if I'm doing my homework and not getting into mischief" Draco snaps unexpectedly and storms off.

I sigh and return to my room in the gryffindor dorm.

My heart stops when I look at the owl by my window, I take the letter from it's beak.

I open it.


You're in danger, that stunt you pulled off.

The dark lord is not happy with you, the next time he sees you he'll kill you or if he's in the correct mood turn you into one of us by force.


I rip the letter to shreds and bury my face into my pillow. Edger cuddles up to me, I place him back in his cage before sitting on my bed.

I eventually fall asleep, burning irritates my arms and the nightmare grows worse.

Voldemort uses the Cruciatus curse on me for the whole dream, I wake up writhing in pain and sobbing.

That day I act like the dream never occurred, I helped out mcgonagall for the morning and when the last two classes hit I stayed with slughorn.

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