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Stan Marsh

I woke up to loud screaming. My parents. What time was it? I checked my phone.

It was almost eight in the morning. IT WAS ALMOST EIGHT IN THE MORNING?!

I put on the clothes I had before and raced downstairs. "Stanley? What are you doing dressed like that?" Mom asked.

I shrugged. She continued to talk to me but I blocked her voice out and left the house.

My dad's car was parked outside. And I knew that he always kept the keys inside. I entered the driver's side and started the car.

I waited for it to heat up before driving to school. I made it and went to the side, where the goths were hanging out.

"You made it," Henrietta said. I nodded and took a seat besides Michael. We all sat in silence.

Was this what being goth was like? I didn't want to break the silence so I just thought about how my life sucked.

More students started to come to school. They were the kids that liked being early. Butters was walking towards the school.

I thought he would go in, but instead he made his way towards us. "Heya fellas!" He happily greeted. "What's up," Pete said giving butters a fist bump.

"You got the stuff?" Henrietta asked. Butters nodded and took off his backpack, unzipping it.

He pulled out a bag of what seemed like weed. He handed it to Henrietta and smiled.

Then Henrietta gave him two one hundred dollars. He smiled happily. "Stan?" He asked walking towards me.

I nodded my head as a way to greet him. "I didn't know you smoked weed," I told him. He shook his head.

"Oh no I don't do that. I only sell it. And these fellas here are regular customers!" He told me. "Butters!" Someone yelled.

He turned around and jumped up and down excitedly. "Kenny!" He yelped jumping into said boys arms.

Kenny? I didn't know that they were that close. "Stan? You're a goth?" Kenny asked, approaching me with butters still in his arms.

Kenny had some sort of weird black and white clown makeup on. I shrugged. "What do you have on your face?" I asked.

"I'm a juggalo," he told me. The hell's a juggalo? He put butters down and greeted the rest of the goths.

"Didn't you guys break up?" Henrietta asked. Break up? They dated? "Only for a bit," Kenny responded, grabbing butters' waist and pulling him closer.

Henrietta glared at him. "Listen McCormick, this is your last warning. If you break his heart I will rip your hair out of your scalp and stab you in the eye,"

She threatened. Kenny gulped and nodded. Butters giggled and took Kenny's hand, walking away from us.

"Dude, you're like his mom," I told her. She shook her head. "No I'm not. I just worry for him," she shrugged.


"Yo, Marsh, that testaburger girl wants to see you," Pete told me. We were currently in the bathroom, smoking.

Well Pete and Michael were. Henrietta couldn't go in the boys bathroom, firkle wasn't in the same grade as us, and I had asthma.

"Tell her to fuck off," I said. "She says it's urgent," he muttered. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Fine," I said as I walked out. Wendy was outside the boy's bathroom, waiting for me.

She stared at me, her eyes puffy and red. She didn't say anything, she just stared. I sighed and shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Whatever you have to say, say it now. I give you six minutes," I told her. She gulped and took a deep breath.

"Stan I...I'm sorry...I just..." She rambled. "What did I do wrong? I did everything you wanted me too. I didn't talk to my friends, I went shopping, I did everything."

I glared at her. Tears formed in her eyes. "I didn't ask you to do that," She muttered. "Yes you did," I said. She wiped her tears.

"Please...I'm sorry. I didn't want it to end like this," She cried. "You're not sorry, Wendy. If you were you wouldn't have done it."

I walked back into the bathroom, not letting her say another word. I could hear her sobs through the door.

"It's that bad?" Michael asked. I nodded. In that moment I wanted to ball my eyes out, but crying wasn't a very goth thing to do.

"She's such a conformist," Pete sighed, throwing his hair out of his face. I slid down the wall and sat in the corner.

I pulled my hat down to cover my eyes and hugged my knees to my chest. "Yo stan, you okay?" Micheal asked.

"I don't know," I muttered.


During lunch I sat with the goth kids outside. Butters and Kenny were there too, doing mushy couple shit.

"I've been thinking, and Stan doesn't sound like a goth name," Henrietta said. Neither does Pete, I thought to myself.

"So, your new name is raven," She told me. Raven? I guess it fits. I nodded. They started talking about something, probably a band or horror film.

I looked back at Kenny and butters. They  were sorta a good couple. Butters was reading a book and Kenny was behind him, planting kisses on his neck.

Then, some dude came up to them. Butters smiled and Kenny gave him a fist bump. He was wearing colorful clothing, as what I could see from behind.

His hat was similar to Kyle's, just brighter. He plopped down beside them and then I realized. It was Kyle.

He wore green eyeliner, his nails were multicolored, he was wearing a black shirt and shorts, despite it being -4 degrees.

He had a bunch of bracelets, his socks were up to his knees and they were also colorful. He had fake fangs in his teeth.

Did he turn into one of those fake vampires? I stared at him. He looked nice.

"What're you staring at?" Asked Pete. I didn't respond, I just kept staring at Kyle. Pete's eyes wondered to where mine were looking.

"Oh. The scene kid?" Scene? What the fuck was scene? Like a movie scene?

"Kyle?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah, Kyle broflovski." It was Kyle. His red hair bounced as he laughed.

"Weren't you two friends in elementary?" He asked. "He was my super best friend," I muttered.

Kyle's gaze never met mine. He was too busy talking to Kenny and butters. He had changed a lot, but I guess everybody did.

I wonder if cartmans still the same.

The rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about Kyle. I wonder why he became 'scene.' Maybe he had similar problems as me.

I wonder if we'll ever become friends again. He's probably mad at me, I would be too. But I wanted him back. I wanted my super best friend back, and I was going to get him.

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