496 10 32

Stan Marsh

I sighed once I entered my house, I was sweaty and in need of a shower. My sister and mom were sitting at the table with two cups of coffee. "Hey turd," Shelly said. I sorta waved. "Did you have fun with kenny?" Mom asked. I nodded. "Yeah, uhm, Kyle was there too.."

My mom smiled. "That's great! I'm glad you too are friends again!" I scratched the back of my neck. "We're not exactly friends.." I told her. She huffed and turned back to talking to Shelly.

I walked upstairs and into the bathroom. Once I undressed, I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked like a complete mess. You know what? Scratch that. I was a complete mess.

I sighed and got in the shower. The water was freezing cold, that's how I liked to shower. Ever since I was little I despised hot showers. Cold showers are just better, and they benefit you more.


After my shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to my room. "Stan!" My mom called out. "You better start getting ready!"

I put on some deodorant, brushed my hair, and got dressed. My pants were kinda wrinkly, but whatever. I made sure I looked nice before walking downstairs, where my mom was waiting for me. She was wearing a long black dress and golden hoops.

She sighed when she saw me. "Stanley...are you really gonna wear that?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Yes, now can we go?" She sighed again and headed towards the door. I followed her and we both got in the car.

The ride to Kyle's house was long and quiet. I stared out the window the whole time. Once we got there, I raced to the door and walked inside. There were a bunch of drunk adults. I managed to find Kyle without anyone bumping into me.

Kyle was leaning against the wall, on his phone."....hey," I nervously muttered. He looked up at me and smiled softly. "You made it..." He said. I nodded. "Yeah, I did."

We stood in silence, it was pretty awkward. "Hey, uh, wanna go hang out in my room?" He asked after a while. I shoved my hands into my pockets nervously. "Uh, yeah sure.."

We slowly walked up the stairs and into his room. It changed from the last time I saw it. He had a bunch of posters and a green rug. "Your room is nice," I told him.

"Thank you," he smiled and sat on his bed. I sat next to him. "Wanna play some video games?" He asked. I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, definitely." He stood up and opened one of his drawers, pulling out a game.

He put the game in his Xbox and handed me a controller. "Which game is it?" I asked as I leaned back against the headboard. He smiled wider.

"Legend of Zelda," He said as he sat down next to me once more. I chuckled and shook my head. "The best video game ever," I muttered. "Eh, I still disagree."

He sat back down with a controller down and we started playing. It was way funner than having a spa day with Wendy and her friends.

We played for hours, until my mom knocked on the door and slowly opened it. "Stanley? It's time to go sweetie," She said. I looked over at Kyle and he had a disappointed look on his face.

"Uh, hey mom...can we have a sleepover?" I asked. Kyle's face lit up with excitement. "Oh! Well I didn't know  you still liked having sleepovers Stan. But, if it's okay with Kyle's mom it's a yes."

"My mom doesn't care," Kyle told her. She pursed her lips before nodding slowly. "All right, have fun," She said as she walked out and closed the door.

I looked back at Kyle and he smiled. "Our first sleepover since the fourth grade," I said. He nodded. "I'll go find you some pajamas."

He stood up and walked out of the room. I sighed as I scanned his room once more, still trying to get used to the new vibe. Operation SBFKA was going great so far. Me and Kyle were getting closer and closer, soon we would be best friends again.

Thankfully, my prediction was wrong. Everything was going great. Soon, Kyle returned with some old pajamas. "Here," he said as he handed me the clothes.

"I'll be outside, let me in when you're done changing." I nodded and he walked back out. I quickly changed and opened the door to let him back in.

"Let's watch a movie," I suggested as he sat on the bed. "Sure."

He put on a marvel movie and I was soon engrossed in it. It was nice to spend time with him, even if it was just watching a movie and not talking.

Kyle yawned and laid down. I looked at him. "Are you tired?" I asked. "No duh," he muttered. I chuckled  nervously. "I feel like we need to talk about what happened," I said after a while.

"We can talk tomorrow," he told me. I nodded and continued to watch the movie as Kyle slowly fell asleep.

Now I was left in complete silence, only the faint noise of the movie played in the background. I wasn't tired at all.

I looked back at Kyle, I missed his curly red hair. He looked so much better without a hat.

I felt the urge to reach out and touch his hair, but then I realized that that was gay. I didn't want Kyle to think I was gay. I kept my hands to myself as I leaned back against Kyle's many pillows.

Kyle's soft breathing was soothing, and before I knew it my eyelids were heavy. I laid beside Kyle and stared at his face, until I realized that was gay so I turned away.

His bed was extremely comfortable and I easily fell asleep. Today was another step towards making Kyle my best friend. I was no longer taking baby steps.

The closer I got to Kyle the more things I felt. Like with Wendy before she cheated on me. I couldn't stop thinking about it- about him. It was gay, so, so fucking gay, but I couldn't help it.

I hoped it would go away in a couple days.

Me and Kyle were finally friends again. I was so happy. And I didn't even care that being happy wasn't goth.

This chapter is so short and horrible and rushed 😭

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