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Stan Marsh

I woke up this morning and it took me a while until I remembered that it was Saturday, which ment two things. One, it was the weekend, and two, it was the day of the party.

I tried not to look happy as I walked downstairs. My dad was there with two suitcases. Him and my mom were arguing, like always. "What's going on?" I asked, my voice was hoarse.

"Your dad was just leaving," My mom said, anger spread throughout her face. My dad stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry. I looked over at him. "For the first time in your miserable life, you're right, Sharon. I was just leaving."

With that, he took the two suitcases and marched out the door. My mom sighed and walked away. I followed her. "Is he moving to the farm?" I asked. She nodded as she started making breakfast.

"Where else would he go?" She muttered. That's where the conversation stopped. I ran back upstairs to brush my teeth and pick out an outfit for tonight. I chose a large black shirt that was slightly longer than me, black ripped jeans, and a leather jacket.

I thought I could impress Kyle with the outfit, so he would become my friend again. After I felt victorious with my outfit choice, I grabbed my phone and sat on my bed.

Then, I got a call from Kenny. "Hey man," Kenny spoke, his voice was lagging. "Hey," I muttered. "Wanna come hangout?" He asked. I really didn't. "Sure.."

"Great! Meet me at starks pond." Then he hung up. I groaned and put on a jacket. I couldn't bother to change out my pajamas. I put my hat on and walked downstairs where my mom instantly stopped me to question me.

"Where are you going?" She asked. I shrugged. "Kenny wants to hang out," I told her. She sighed and pursed her lips. "I don't trust Kenny all that much." I glared softly at her. "I don't care if you tust him or not."

Her eyebrows furrowed together and she balled up her fists. "Stanley, where is this attitude coming from?" She asked, slightly raising her voice. I shrugged and walked towards the door.

"Stanley!" She called out, chasing after me. "You've been extremely disrespectful lately. I'm afraid I can't let you go out today." I huffed and stared at her. "And I'm afraid I don't give a fuck."

I instantly raced out the door, running all the way to starks pond. That was a pretty bad idea since I forgot my inhaler. Kenny was there, sitting next to Kyle. Kyle. Kenny looked over at me and waved.

Why didn't he tell me that Kyle was also gonna be with us? I would've gotten dressed better. I slowly walked over to them and forced a smile on my face.

"Hi." I muttered softly. Kyle smiled and looked away, pretending to be interested in some birds that were flying. "Sup man," Kenny greeted. "So...What're we gonna do?" I asked. The most evil grin took over Kenny's face as he pulled out several cans of spray paint.

"Vandalism? Seriously?" I asked, sarcasm lacing onto my voice. He nodded and tossed me a can. "C'mon," he said as he stood up, leading Kyle and I to the police station. "Kenny, you're crazy." I told him.

"Don't be a weenie," he smirked as he shook his can and started spraying the wall. I looked over at Kyle, he was writing something. "I'm not a weenie," I mumbled as I too started to vandalize the police station.

It took us a while until we were finished. It was like a mural, just more illegal and not as beautiful. My side of our "mural" was mostly black, white, and red. It represented the blood of people and Gothic shit.

Kenny's side, which was the middle, was about juggalos and tits. Mostly tits. And Kyle's, holy shit was that shit neon. It was really just a bunch of paint mixed together, but he looked proud of it. Soon, officer barbrady ran outside and started chasing us.

Another bad time to not have my inhaler.


After we ran for a while, we realized that officer barbrady was no longer chasing us. We all fell to the ground, sitting against a tree. Somehow, Kyle ended up sitting next to me. "That was fun," Kenny said with a big grin.

Me and Kyle looked at him. "Shut the fuck up," we both said in sync. I looked over at Kyle and he looked at me, we both smiled. I felt a warm feeling rise up in my chest, but I chose to ignore it.

"Do you think officer barbrady is going to tell our parents?" Kyle asked. Kenny shrugged. "I don't know, but I don't think my parents will care very much."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, my mom will probably just yell at me and that's it."

"What about your dad?" Kenny asked. I shrugged. "I doubt I'll see him for a while." I said. Kyle raised an eyebrow. "Why?" He questioned. "My parents just got divorced and my dad left, did my mom not tell yours?"

He shook his head. "No..I don't think so...I'm sorry that they got a divorce." He muttered softly. "Eh. It was for the better, really." He nodded and looked straight ahead.

"Well, I hope he doesn't tell our parents, becuase if he does I won't hear the end of it thanks to my mom." Kyle said with an annoyed sigh.

Kenny smirked and started humming a tune which I instantly recognized. I think Kyle did too becuase his face turned red with anger. He turned to look at Kenny. "Don't," he warned.

Kenny didn't listen. "WEEELLLL....Kyle's mom is a bitch, she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world," he sang, laughing loudly. Kyle balled his fists up. I leaned back against the tree and looked in between the two of them. He gritted his teeth and leaned over me, punching Kenny's arm.

"Ow!" Kenny yelped. "It'll be your face next!" Kyle yelled. I looked over at Kenny apologetically. "You should've listened," I said, shaking my head. He glared at me and rubbed his arm.

Kyle took a deep breath and stood up. "I'm leaving," he said. I slowly waved goodbye. He looked over at me and smiled one more time before rushing off in the direction of his house.

"God, I haven't heard that song in so long," I told Kenny. He nodded. "I remembered it just now actually."

"Are you going to the party?" I asked. He shook his head. "If I stepped foot in that house they'd call pest control." I couldn't help but feel sorta bad for him. None of our parents actually liked him.

"Are you?" He asked. I nodded. "I am." Kenny wiggled his eyebrows and I gently pushed him. He chuckled and stood up. "Alright lover boy. I hope everything goes well for you." Then he ran off, but not in the direction of his house. I assumed he was going to butters...Leo's house.

Then I realized he called me lover boy like he did about two days ago. What did lover boy even mean? Why was he even calling me that? I didn't think too much about it, though. I stayed there a while longer before standing up and walking to my house.

I was really anxious for tonight. Why did I even decide to accompy my mom? Why didn't I just say I wanted to stay home? I had a feeling that tonight was gonna go down horribly.

I fidgeted with my fingers as I walked. I took slow deep breaths. I just had to be positive. But, being positive is kinda hard when you're goth. I thought about the best and the worst scenarios, if the worst scenario happened, I would be ready. If the best happened, I definitely would not be ready.

I wrote this all today so I hope you're not too disappointed 🤭

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